Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

My world is in..

Terremotos : Variation of seismic activity: 20 years 15 seconds

How does vary the seismic activity in the planet? An earthquake in isolation does not offer much information, their duration and intensity are the most important data first.

Earthquakes in Haiti and Chile, and other recent lower-intensity carry the phenomenon to the plane of the scientific news.

To observe different earthquakes that occur around the globe during a certain interval of time, We have a more complex vision of the phenomenon.

In There is detailed information on recent seismic activity 20 years old.

The video presents a sequence of photos (screenshots), each of which contains seismic activity registered for four months.

Are available from 4 per year, and therefore images added 80 reduced individual catches to 15 seconds of animation that allow to observe increased activity in recent years. Fast forward or reverse the video for a specific period.