Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

My world is in..

Image Synthesis

History and background animation

The first animated films : Humorous Phase of Funny Faces.

The first animated films : Humorous Phase of Funny Faces.

History of animation: Cartoon Masks

History of animation: Cartoon Masks

History of animation: Cartoon Masks [II]

History of animation: Cartoon Masks [II]

Concepts image synthesis

Pixel, the great unknown

Alpha compositing: Porter-Duff rules

Alpha compositing: Porter-Duff rules

What is Raytracing? Introduction to image synthesis.

What is Raytracing? Introduction to image synthesis.

Channels of an image synthesis

Channels of an image synthesis

How to generate a Recursive Fractal

How to generate a Recursive Fractal

What is LOD?: Level Of Detail

What is LOD?: Level Of Detail

Definiendo la Realidad Virtual ¿Qué es?
Raytracing Images: RGB
RayTracing: Aliasing Vs Antialiasing
What is Raytracing? Introduction to image synthesis.
Raytracing : How much does a 3D image?
Bump Mapping
The importance of textures in image synthesis
What is Morphing
Boolean operations
Simplification of polygonal meshes
Formas filiform: Tubes
What is a Lattice animation?

What is a Halo

Index of refraction

Index of refraction

Modelos de iluminación: Luz

Modelos de iluminación: Light

What is a path

Los 12 principios de la animación: Estirar y Encoger (Squash and stretch)

Los 12 principles of animation: Stretch and Shrink (Squash and stretch)

Los 12 principios de la animación explicados sobre un vídeo de Pixar: Knick Knack

Los 12 principles explained on a video animation of Pixar: Knick Knack

Los 12 principios de la animación

Los 12 principles of animation

How to make an animated gif with GIMP?

How to make an animated gif with GIMP?

Image Synthesis, Background

What consoles developed the “gameplay”?
Parejas de personajes de animación

Couple of cartoon characters

Creative process and artistic design

PIZ : Character Modeling Process
PIZ : Character Modeling Process (II)
Paco Rodriguez and Juan Lara (Filmax the Bren) “Pérez, The mouse of your dreams”

Examples of short animations produced with Blender

Fire Las Fallas, SGAE and our mourning
Sleep Away de Bob Acri. Sphere and Plane with Raytracing
Kalimba de Mr. Scruff [Blender]
Video presentations: Create an input mask with Blender
PIZiadas: Premiering input mask
Cartagena365, Careta de entrada

Examples using synthetic image

Internet offers interesting and elaborate examples of using synthetic image. Below are some selected works of interest, for observing environmental wealth.

Imagen de Síntesis

Image Synthesis