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Graphic PIZiadas

My world is in..

Categorías Tierra

Global maps

The NASA official pages are full of audiovisual resources of great scientific inerés, presentation formats accessible to a vast majority of curious and interested in science.

Accelerated vision global phenomena ( rainfall, sea ​​temperature, Fire …) allows us to see these phenomena in a new light.

Global Maps are a set of pages where you can see animated sequences for the presence or action of certain phenomena, at the global level.

Human movement in animation : BioMotionLab

One of the most difficult moves to get into an animation, with sufficient realism, is that of a person walking.
There are different groups investigating on how to interact with the world of human beings, analyzing how is the sensory information processing, perception, cognition and communication.

Intersections in outlook: straight and cuboids

One of the classic problems of representation systems is to find the intersection of two elements, such as determining the intersection point between a line and a plane. Topological nature are problems in which the concepts of belonging prevail.

The problems are based on topological relationships are independent projection type in which they are.

Determinación de un segmento conocido su punto medio [Solución]

Al plantear un problema de geometría métrica podemos abordar su resolución con diferentes estrategias. para ilustrar uno de estos métodos vamos a resolver el de determinar un segmento del que se conoce su punto medio junto con otras restricciones adicionales.

En particular analizaremos el caso en el que los extremos del segmento se encuentran situados sobre dos circunferencias coplanarias de radio arbitrario.

Determinación de un segmento conocido su punto medio [Statement]

An interesting metric geometry problem that can enlighten the way to find solutions is to determine a segment of known its midpoint with additional restrictions.

And that a segment is determined by its ends (colon), in the plane need four values (simple data) to set their Cartesian coordinates.

Raffaello D'Andrea: The astounding athletic power of quadcopters [TED]

Raffaello D'Andrea us in this interesting video “TED” (in English) a spectacular demo on their quadcopters behave like true athletes, solving physical problems with algorithms that allow them to learn.
Nine demos in which D'Andrea shows us how his drones are able to make decisions or solve individually coordinated complex balancing tests.
A video that gives a quick overview of the state of art in the development of this technology.

Metric geometry : Generalization of the fundamental problem of tangents :

We have solved the fundamental problem we have called for tangents when presented with tangency conditions on a circle or a straight. Conceptually we can assume that both problems are the same, if we consider the straight as a circle of infinite radius. The statement therefore posed circumferences obtaining through two points were tangent to a straight or tangent to a circle.

Metric geometry : Make hyperbolic circles

When defining a beam circumferences as an infinite set simply fulfilling a restriction on the power, sorted the beams depending on the relative position of its elements.

Hyperbolic circumferences beams are among these families circumferences. Of the three existing (Elliptical, parabolic and hyperbolic) are those that offer greater difficulty in its conceptualization to come not defined waypoints. We will see how to determine elements that belong to them as it did in the previous cases.

Metric geometry : Problem of Apollonius : rcc

Any of the problems of tangents that are included under the denomination of “Apollonius problems” can be reduced to one of the studied variants of the most basic of all: the fundamental problem of tangents (PFT).
In all these problems we will consider fundamental objective to reduce the problem to propose to one of these critical cases, by changing the constraints that define other concepts based on the orthogonality.

In this case we will study what we call “Case Apollonius RCC”, namely, For the problem of tangency at which the data are given by condition of tangency to a line (r) and two circles (cc).

Metric geometry : Obtaining the radical axis of two circles

radical axis of two circles

The two circumferences radical axis is ellugar locus of points of a plane with equal power on two circles.

Is a straight line having a direction perpendicular to the centerline of the circumferences. To determine this axis is therefore necessary to know a single crossing point.