Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

My world is in..

Categorías Periodismo

Innocent !

Today is the day of the innocents and the network is no stranger to this. It is difficult to determine the veracity of some news, other, being real, become impossible to assimilate.
A feast of hard origin which becomes mockery, in this complex human reasoning that allows us to avoid the suffering of the dramas with which, sometimes, We face.

Today touch attentive to reality or, best, not be carried away by other realities sometimes of dubious taste.

Widget regional elections 2012. Galicia and the Basque Country


The newspaper El Pais offers a Widget regional elections to follow our blog.

The widget is inserted by a script with HTML code and lets you interact on a graph to display the results in real time, contrasting with previous elections.

This widget has been installed on this page from which you can follow so the scrutiny.

Scraps on cuts


A social input. Scraps of published images in different media about welfare cuts our country. Scraps showing the anger and pain of a country. The images are accompanied by original texts. Yo no soy como usted El debate entre los candidatos a la presidencia del Gobierno registró una audiencia media… (leer más)

Political Blogs: from Cadiz - Blog Paco Piniella @ pacopini

A blog of social criticism with clear leftist political accent makes us sensitive to the problems of local and universal level. A blog of a sea traveler, knowledgeable about the world and cultures known to take the rough with the smooth, self-critical and entertaining. Un formato ágil del maestro de maestros con… (leer más)

Personal Blogs: JM of @ JMNoticias

From this blog you can read the most interesting news of our country, views from the objectivity of the spatial distance that offers its resident author in Denmark. Un punto de vista independiente no sujeto al bombardeo mediático de nuestro entorno próximo que se complementa con información variada e interesante. Un espacio en el que mirarnos sin titubeos, in… (leer más)

Las Fallas, SGAE and our mourning

By the mid-eighteenth century, failures were a simple celebration included in the program of events typical of the feast of St. Joseph (19 March). As day 18 in some urban routes appeared rompers hung in the middle of the street from window to window, or small platforms placed next to the… (leer más)

Google is censored after the Chinese Wall [ Illustration and links ]

A New Approach to China to Google cyber-attack was executed by the Chinese government searches (terms) que bloque China Gobierno alemán recomienda dejar de usar Internet Explorer Alemania pide a los usuarios que no utilicen Internet Explorer

Haiti Earthquake: A broken country

Haiti Earthquake 2010 (Wikipedia) Haiti begins to awaken in the middle of their catastrophe from space, Haití aparece desolado Lo que queda de Haití desde el cielo Policía y bandas de asaltantes se enfrentan a tiros en Haití 37.000 mujeres embarazadas sin asistencia ni agua en las calles de Haití La desesperación lleva… (leer más)

Earthquake in Haiti on the net: International response

Earthquake in Haiti on the net (Previous day summary 14) Day 16 Haití: Topography along the Enriquillo Fault Earthquakes in the world cries and shudders Haiti – Se moviliza la tierra Preguntas: Now what? Haití Las dudas de la Cooperación internacional Terremoto en Haití. Formas de Ayudar Solidaridad con… (leer más)