Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

My world is in..

Categorías Vídeos

MovieMaker and duration of a still image.

Con MovieMaker se puede realizar una secuencia que nos presente de forma automática nuestras fotos (in the form of video al we can add music to comments).

By default, the duration of each image is 5 seconds, but you can change this interval to speed them up or slow presentation cadence. This is especially useful when we want to make a video from images chained, namely, a sequence taken as a “burst” photos or computer-generated.

Chroma key in MovieMaker: Image Overlay

It inserting the chroma chroma (del ingles Chrome key) audiovisual technique is widely used in film and television and photography, which involves the replacement of a fund for another by computer. This is done because it is too costly and unworkable cutout characters to complete background or frame… (leer más)

The audio track in MovieMaker


Una herramienta muy sencilla de edición de vídeo no lineal es la que nos proporciona Microsoft en sus sistemas operativos: Windows Movie Maker. This software lets you edit videos and visually add an audio track.

Editing is done by chaining short sequences to which they can incorporate a number of basic effects and transitions. There is a professional tool and therefore it is very limited in functionality although often to our purpose.

The Known Universe by AMNH

My partner always forwards Santiago Poveda works great interest. I leave the text of your mail and the embeded video. I would see it in full screen! Just a few weeks, el Museo Americano de Historia Natural colgó en la red este espectacular vídeo, una reconstrucción informática que muestra un “viaje” desde la superficie… (leer más)

Mathematical transformations visually interpreted

The complexity of the equations vanishes when we are able to visualize their meaning. The Moebius transformation that defines investment by simple design concept between a plane and a sphere gives way to new conceptions of space. A selection of videos to admire a wonderful romance between mathematics and geometry…. (leer más)