Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

My world is in..

Wallpaper: Christmas 2011 (XV) : Christmas Dream House [ Imagen 1280×1024 ] [Postproduction]

paisaje_navideño_composer_thumbA wallpaper from working with Blender postproduction an image synthesis (Christmas wallpaper with house and snow) designed for this Christmas.

The result has been a fantastic image, befitting a fantasy dream. The central motif is deformed esferizando straight lines, while filters applied to the image granulated breaking its definition and sharpness.

Stage is decomposed into three layers for the three planes of depth that make up the image. A vegetation foreground with snow, containing intermediate plane and the plane home with mountains background.

The most significant effect is “Lens distortion” to create distortion and focus on the central motif. The effect “Blur” sense of movement is added to the set.


You can see the final result in resolution wallpaper 1280 x 1024 click on the image



