Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

My world is in..

Suzanne animation festival

suzanne animation festivalSuzanne animation festival is an event created to showcase and reward those work in Blender that have occurred in the last year.

It's an interesting showcase for judging the creative possibilities of this powerful tool for animation and video editing.

With 143 entries in the various categories, This festival is a reference for the artists of the genre.

The Blender Conference Animation Festival, 25-26 October 2013, shows short films and visualizations reflecting the best creative work done with Blender in the past year. We invite film makers, artists, animators, designers or scientists to submit their work.

To evaluate the works are three categories:

  • CHARACTER ANIMATION: Rate the quality of character and animation, not requiring a finished video
  • SHORT FILM: This category seeks to address a complete job.
  • DESIGNED SHORT FILM: Find more artistic aspects, the aesthetic, of the works presented

The Suzanne Award is awarded to animators using Blender annually ever since the second Blender conference held in Amsterdam of 2003. The categories of the Suzanne Awards have changed repeatedly. (W)
