Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

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Categorías Fotografía

Flowers in the Market Arenal de Sevilla [Imagen][ photo ]

La flor es la estructura reproductiva característica de las plantas llamadas espermatofitas o fanerógamas. La función de una flor es producir semillas a través de la reproducción sexual. For plants, the seeds are the next generation, and serve as the primary means through which the species are perpetuated and spread. (W) I love flowers; sus… (leer más)

What size has a vane? [image]

The blades of a jet engine can be of different sizes, ranging from a few millimeters in engines designed for model to three feet in major aeronautical turbines. Here you have a photo taken in the “Engines Laboratory” aviation schools (EIAE) of UPM. Comparar el tamaño… (leer más)

Paddle [Imagen]

Blade is referred to each of the curved vanes of a hydraulic turbine wheel or. The blades are part of the gas turbine, las turbinas of Vapor, turbochargers, fans and other rotating equipment. (W) La función de los álabes es la de “empujar” el aire (como las palas de un ventilador) a una cámara… (leer más)

Calendar 2011 International Year of Forests

Ecologists in Action has a page where we have the most important days 2011 with events or events that are planned for the International Year of Forests. In addition to the dates cited, We offer a beautiful calendar that you can download in PDF format to print download. Between the dates that… (leer más)

Comb in crisis [Advertising picture]

In the play "Clouds" of Aristophanes, on 423 before Christ, playwright showed his animosity toward Socrates. In this comedy, a rustic character, a peasant uneducated, is surprised to learn of the existence of the dactyl verses explaining the poet. El labriego piensa que al hablar de dáctilo Sócrates se refería… (leer más)

Atocha Roof [Imagen]

Atocha Roof

The Atocha station or noon, located in Madrid, is the largest rail Spain. It is the first railway station in Spain on domestic, and the second on international routes, only surpassed by Barcelona-Sants. It is not a single station, sino que a raíz de la reforma integral a la que fue sometida… (leer más)

Rotor [Imagen]


A helicopter rotor is the rotating part of a helicopter aerodynamic lift generated. The helicopter rotor, also called the rotor system, typically refers to the helicopter's main rotor is mounted on a vertical mast on top of the helicopter, although it can also refer to the tail rotor. A… (leer más)

Lichen [Imagen]


Lichens are organisms consisting of symbiosis between a fungus and an alga or mycobiont cyanobacterium called ficobionte. La asociación de estos dos organismos puede ser muy variada pudiéndose diferenciar varios tipos estructurales muy diferentes desde el más simple, where fungus and alga is associated with by chance the most complex where micosimbionte… (leer más)

Calendar 2011 Via @ oscarcillo

I will not deny that produces laziness return trip vacation to academic life. Alarm clock, classes, meetings… a tight schedule for the coming months. Estrenamos un año nuevo, 2011, as the calendar moves his numbers in a repetitive dance that brings notoriety to the seven days of the week. By… (leer más)



It's called graffiti (taken from the Italian plural word graffiti, graffire) painted the various forms of inscription on painting, usually on street furniture. The Royal Academy of the Spanish language designated as “graphite” una pintada particular, and its corresponding plural is “graffiti”. También se llama grafiti a las inscripciones que han quedado en paredes desde… (leer más)

The Catenary [Photos]

Catenary curve describing a chain suspended at its ends, sometida to a uniform field gravitatorio. The word derives from the Latin catenarius (own chain). By extension, in mathematics is called a catenary curve that takes a string, cuerda the perfectly flexible cable ideal, con masa distribuida uniformemente por unidad de… (leer más)