Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

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Categorías Libros

Learn to draw with Andrew Loomis

There are many manuals drawing with different methods to initiate us refine our technique and representation. One of the first thing I remember are the booklets drawing painter Joan Miró Ferrer.

William Andrew Loomis was an illustrator of the first half of the twentieth century, in addition to his graphic work, He left a series of books to learn to draw. The practical approach of these manuals along with the gradual difficulty of the exercises are two characteristics that make them especially useful for beginners in the drawing with pencil.

Geometry and origami [ Book ]

Geometry and origami Stella is a book published by Homo Sapiens Ricotti transmitting “happiness” from the world of mathematics. The author takes us to the world of geometry “playing” from bases underlying topological a paper sheet.

A teaching resource certainly of great value that can be entered at different educational levels; allows “touch” mathematics from the realization of the geometric models that express perfection.

Scientific visualization : Handbook of Data Visualization [ Book ]


An adequate representation of the data is an essential part of any data analysis. Modern developments of information processing based on the use of PCs have allowed significant improvements in graphics capabilities offering new possibilities for data visualization. “Handbook of Data Visualization” es un volumen de la serie de Manuales de Springer de Estadística Computacional que ofrece una visión general de los modernos métodos de visualización de… (leer más)