Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

My world is in..

Particle simulation: Vortex


Simulation with a particle system made with Blender. We used three issuers 20.000 spherical particles in each, issued continuously for 200 frames.

Added a vortex force “4” in the center to generate the system dynamics.

A plane crash that does not absorb energy particles to complete the stage.



Kajimba is a project of cartoon production company RedCartel in Sydney, Australia. Designed by James Neale, is aimed at an adult audience and is a part of Australia, little known to the world. Kajimba is an ancient waterhole where, for thousands of years, animals of the interior… (leer más)

Particle Systems : Emitter : Basic variables [ Blender ]

Particle System

Once the system of particles created from an object in Blender, proceed to adjust the variables that govern.

The first variable defined in an animation displays the number of particles generated in the same, and at what time and for how many frames (time).

Simulation with particle systems [ Blender ]

Particle System

The simulation with particle systems allows for complex animations of objects that respond to gravitational forces and actions as those that produces wind or a magnetic field. Blender has a numerical particle-based simulation engine.

Focus on Greece

Focus on Greece

Greek elections are the basis for a new synthetic image.

The euro and the countries that are part of the wedge spotlight of the world economy, reflected in the composition by a focus on Greece that projects the shadow of a logo: El euro.

Drops [ image ] [ Blender ] [ Cycles ] [ Wallpaper ]


Unas gotas de agua sirven para crear esta imagen, wallpaper format, realizada con el simulador de fluidos de Blender, renderizadas con Cycles.

A global illumination and materials “Glass” with a different refractive index for the container (pool) and the contents (water) along with a textured base with a grid that allows for an interesting optical distortion effect.

Source : Fluid simulation with Blender


The fluid simulation in Blender is based on the numerical ( integration) a system of particles. The properties associated with these particles as its viscosity, mass etc create the effect that would occur in the different liquids.

High values ​​of viscosity will result simulations liquid oils and fats, while lower values ​​we provide sensations as the flow of water.

Chof ! Simulation in Blender


Blender has several functions to perform physical simulations: Smoke, fluids, by the, Particle systems etc..

These tools allow complex animations with simple menus where you define the type of simulation and the role it held in our object, adding parameters to their behavior.