The Light of your Shadow
A scene consisting of a set of semi-transparent cubes lighting with a focus spanning them eliminate the contribution of light, leaving its shadow we eliminate is light bulb halo light shadow image synthesis
A scene consisting of a set of semi-transparent cubes lighting with a focus spanning them eliminate the contribution of light, leaving its shadow we eliminate is light bulb halo light shadow image synthesis
Hemos visto que se pueden configurar las ventanas y asociarles diferentes vistas de la escena. En este artículo iniciamos el estudio de “Camera”, que determina el punto de vista utilizado para obtener las imágenes finales. Vistas Cada ventana 3D dispone de un menú “View” en el que se selecciona el tipo de vista que tiene… (leer más)
After you create windows with different views, We can save the workspace we have set for later use. Vamos a repasar parte de lo visto anteriormente para configurar un espacio de trabajo Hemos visto en el interface de ventanas que para dividir el espacio de visualización, podemos situar el cursor en la parte… (leer más)
We know how to basically set the windows system. Our goal in this new delivery of training materials for learning 3D animation tool Blender, is to differentiate between different types of views available and their relationship or of the differentiation “camera”. Vistas de las perspectivas Estamos trabajando en un sistema… (leer más)
A first assembly with a song in which the first rendered images of a new character that we will be presenting the possibilities of animation software are presented “Blender“. La secuencia editada ha sido especialmente trabajada los dos primeros minutos que más adelante serán reeditados para insertar las escenas que en este momento… (leer más)
The mixture of real image and image synthesis is usually performed in camouflaging the latter finding a deception of the senses. The integration is to make real what does not exist or is too complex to obtain.
Another way to use the image synthesis is enhance it by giving his own role; Using vivid colors and strong reflection that accentuates the plastic aspect of the production of synthesis we artworks as accompanying this article.
A relaxing musical composition is the basis to support a minimalist dance between a sphere and a plane.
A very simple yet progressive rendering in all its complexity, in which the “Raytracing” He brings his peculiar brilliance to the scene that is synchronized with the music.
A didactic example of the possibilities of animation software “Blender” in a small fragment that can be built in a weekend.
Easter is the annual Christian celebration of the Passion, Death and Resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth or, which equals, commemorate his last days; thus, is a period of intense liturgical activity within the various Christian denominations. Starts on Palm Sunday and ends on Holy Saturday, aunque su… (leer más)
The realization of complex scenarios and games with high realism demands the use of sophisticated techniques that avoid saturating the bandwidth available on graphics cards.
Reducing the number of polygons to represent one of the priority objectives for improving performance.
Una técnica que permite representar un objeto con un número de polígonos que depende de la distancia del objeto al punto de observación se denomina LOD (Level Of Detail)
En este artículo profundizaremos en estos conceptos que permiten optimizar la representación de complejas escenas con gran realismo.
Definition of Virtual Reality (RV) What is Virtual Reality? How can we define something that in itself is contradictory?: ¿The Virtual Real? Un paradigma que evoluciona desde su nacimiento incorporando nuevos recursos y nuevos interrogantes asociados a ellos no tiene fácil conceptualización y, accordingly, its definition is subject to further revisions. Existen multitud de… (leer más)
The current lineup of the characters autonomous avatars, to generate dynamic virtual worlds, every day, represent everyday reality or fantasy with great fidelity and realism. Structured models to implement autonomous characters recreation simulations and virtual worlds ( game programming, movies… ) they are based on different strategies… (leer más)
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