Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

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Categories Tangencies

Problem of Apollonius : ccc

Any of the problems of tangents that are included under the name "Apolonio problems" can be reduced to one of the variants studied the most basic of them all: the fundamental problem of tangents (PFT).

In this case we will study what we call "Apolonio Case ccc", namely, If the problem of tangents in which the data are given by conditions tangents three circumferences (ccc).

Apollonius and his ten problems

One of the most comprehensive articles they have written my students in geometry classes is describing how to solve the so-called “Apollonius problems”.

Determining come straight circumferences or geometric constraints defined by the tangents are based on a family of geometric problems of great interest.

Metric geometry : Problem of Apollonius : rcc

Any of the problems of tangents that are included under the denomination of “Apollonius problems” can be reduced to one of the studied variants of the most basic of all: the fundamental problem of tangents (PFT).
In all these problems we will consider fundamental objective to reduce the problem to propose to one of these critical cases, by changing the constraints that define other concepts based on the orthogonality.

In this case we will study what we call “Case Apollonius RCC”, namely, For the problem of tangency at which the data are given by condition of tangency to a line (r) and two circles (cc).