Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

My world is in..

Categorías Iluminación

Luz Spot con Halo [ Blender ]

One of the most complex to generate a synthetic image issues is to get the level and desired lighting effect, because it changes the colors and even alter the appearance of the forms on the scene.

The lighting effects that occur in environments with participating media (specks of dust, water droplets suspended. … ) under conditions of high light intensity at the focus or point of light, Blender can be simulated by using “Buffers” Shadows.

Wallpaper: Christmas 2012 (XIX) : Symbolic Christmas tree with halos [ Imagen 1280×1024 ]

Christmas tree with halos

Light, color, highlights, glitter … Christmas atmosphere surrounding the effects are blurred by moisture and temperature conditions creating magical shades varied colors disguised.

The primary colors of the Christmas lights textures blend cake giving.

A Christmas tree depicted with the symbolism of a spiral of colors.

3D Animation, Efectos: Create a Halo [Blogs experimental][ Blender ]

A halo can be classified within the lighting elements, or be considered a special effect. We have seen an example of using this technique as in the case of Halo of the Sun; we will see how to define and how to adjust some of its parameters. La clasificación tiene sentido para la organización del interface… (leer más)

Christmas Wallpaper (XX) [School] [Blogs experimental] [Blender]

Laura Soro

Fondo de escritorio (postal) de Navidad en 960 x 769 made with Blender animation software. Work done by the student of the subject of “Gráficos por ordenador” Laura Soro Para ver en detalle la imagen, pulsar sobre la misma. Escena navideña con regalos, papel de colores espumillón y bolas con luces

Christmas Wallpaper (XVIII) [School] [Blogs experimental] [Blender]

elena garcia arribas

Fondo de escritorio (postal) de Navidad en 800 x 600 made with Blender animation software. Work done by the student of the subject of “Gráficos por ordenador” Elena Arribas García Para ver en detalle la imagen, pulsar sobre la misma. A scene with Navideña espumillón, bolas, and halo.

Wallpaper: Christmas (X) Star [Imagen 1280×1024]

New desktop background 1280 x 1024 for Christmas wallpapers gallery. It has been made with Blender, rendering example to my students of the subject of “Gráficos por ordenador”. En breve os enseñaré sus trabajos que son muy meritorios. En este caso jugamos con las texturas para crear un paisaje… (leer más)

Wallpaper: Halo [Imagen 1280×1024]

After seeing the concepts needed for a “Halo” and before undertaking the practical study Blender tutorial we see an example of application in a scene with synthetic image. An image format “Wallpaper” ( WallPaper que pasará a la galería) in 1280×1024 que muestra el… (leer más)

What is a “Halo”?

Un halo es un efecto óptico causado por partículas de hielo en suspensión en la Troposfera que refractan la luz haciendo un espectro de colores alrededor de la luna o el sol.(W) The same geometry can be represented in many different ways; la mayoría de las veces usaremos la idea de una superficie envolvente del objeto para su… (leer más)

Wallpaper: Christmas (IX) Bright [Imagen 1280×1024]

A brilliant is a diamond or other gemstone, cortado en forma con multiples facetas particular para tener un Brillo excepcional. Se forma la la asemeja of un cono y retorno of LUZ proporciona Maximo en la parte superior del diamante.(W) Continuamos con la serie of simbólica of fondos escritorio (WallPapers) basada en los conceptos navideños. The… (leer más)