


在兩個世界 [ “延時 ]

截圖 2012-12-17 a la(Ş) 01.57.21該視頻在比我們認為與我們的措施如果天氣允許的看到不同的世界的表現非常不同的速度觀察自然.

讓許多現象更詳細的了解和, 都, 一般, 一個異常美麗.

長期進程的願景, 降低到幾秒鐘, 研究中,我們建議您使用其他不同的現象車模. 這些技術加速時間顯示, 我們已經處理了其他的例子, 根據這個概念被收集 ““延時

El time lapse es una técnica fotográfica que consiste en la captación de imágenes fijas que después son reproducidas a una velocidad mayor a la que fueron tomadas. Esta técnica crea entonces una ilusión de imágenes aceleradas.()

En el siguiente vídeo se puede disfrutar durante apenas dos minutos, del bello trabajo que ha realizado el fotógrafo Brad Goldpaint. Sin duda uno de losTimelapsesmás impecables que he visto.

Within Two Worlds depicts an alternate perspective by giving us the illusion of times movement, signifying a beginning and end within a world of constant contradiction. It appears you are traveling in the midst of a dream, half-sleeping, half-waking, and touching the arch connecting heaven and earth.

在兩個世界Goldpaint Photography或是Vimeo.



Music composed by Serge Essiambre entitled, ‘Believe in Yourself’. – sergeessiambre.com.

Limited edition, fine-art prints are available at goldpaintphotography.com/purchase.
In-field and online workshops are available. For more info, visit: goldpaintphotography.com/workshops.

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Locations include:
Tumalo Falls, Three Sisters Wilderness, Mount Shasta, Big Bend National Park, Mono Lake, Aurora Borealis over Crater Lake National Park, Texas, Painted Hills, the High Sierra, and the Aurora Borealis over Sparks Lake.

All footage (roughly 7K images) was captured using Nikon equipment. No motion control systems used.

Copyright © 2012 Goldpaint Photography, All Rights Reserved. For consideration only, no reproduction or commercial use without prior authorization in writing.