Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

My world is in..

Archivo de septiembre 2009

Internet is a matter !

Gaia is a living world. Gaia behaves as a self-regulating system (that tends to balance). Internet is the nervous system. Each person in the network represents a neuron. One blog, therefore, is the expression of a neuron!!!

A blog is still empty !

He had managed to publish a line and I found that I had people following the blog. Follow a blog? Vacuum makes sense? Lo tenga o no lo tenga se ha producido y me lleva a cuestionarme el asunto. Los motivos pueden ser tantos como usuarios potenciales: ¿Por un “click” involuntario?¿Por probar el interface?¿Por… (leer más)

The beginnings are never easy.

The beginnings are never easy, Sometimes we hit the first while others need to abuse the trial and error process an almost infinite number (or broad) times. Where do I press to do something? How I can write in this new environment for me? We may feel awkward, o nos justifiquemos pensando que el… (leer más)