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My world is in..

Opinion alumni to cooperative methods

The experiences educational usually appraise quantifying academic achievement obtained by students, comparing time and learning levels with respect to those obtained with traditional methods. The refinement of methodologies should certainly improve the results, in some cases, may not have been as good as expected.

He then collected a small excerpt from a studyconducted by the author in the UPM on the implementation of active methodologies in engineering schools.


The academic performance It is influenced by different aspects, including willingness and attitude of the student. The boundary conditions the condition, influencing the results of educational experiences.

Aspects such as Novelty can motivate students, while others like the uncertainty that produce systems based assessment “positive interdependence” of cooperative methods can block learning.

The willingness of the student to the content of the agenda, how to teach lessons or evaluation criteria may produce different subjects reactions in the emotional state of the students.

The willingness of the student to the content of the agenda, how to teach lessons or evaluation criteria may produce different subjects reactions in the emotional state of the students.

The emotional state of the student it's key their academic performance. The evaluation of these aspects throughout the course can serve to correct structural problems in groups, and to provide security for students.

The convenience to apply the active cooperative learning methodologies [1] it confronts a current situation of educational media, the experience of teachers and students expect procedures to be used towards them.

The results of the experiments can be mediated by the way they have implemented changes, by how results are measured or other exogenous reasons for the method.

One of the most striking aspects is the fact that students value this methodology especially by allowing themquickly establish ties among members of their group and with other groups, allowing, in these first years, extend their social relationships and feel enveloped in an environment that is unfamiliar to them.

His vision of the mature active methodologies with them throughout the course, being more encouraged with these methods work with traditional.

Some comments obtained illustrate their perception, asking about their main concerns:

  • “Me ha shocked the dynamic that has taken the class, think positively although an rather strange situation.”
  • “What I like about this workflow is the allowing freedom when working, to compare the results with colleagues, el poder recibir explicaciones de los mismos lo veo como algo muy positivo. Y lo que no me agrada tanto es el hecho de irme a casa con numerosos vacíos en la materia, digamos que no me llego a amoldar a estas técnicas.
  • Como aspecto positivo me parece bien la metodología porque puedo compartir dudas con los compañeros, aprendo una manera nueva de trabajar y además puedo entender mis dudas porque hay gente que está a mi nivel. Como negativo es que no entiendo porque se hacen ciertas cosas del trabajo, porque no se ha explicado.

En parte se sienten perdidos por que piensan que no avanzan. Creen que al no recibir clases convencionales se están quedando rezagados respecto de otros grupos convencionales.

  • Este modelo inicialmente, me crea mucha incertidumbre. Por un lado me gusta la dinámica, pero por otro mi falta de capacidad teórica no me gusta.
  • No llevo el ritmo de los demás, parece que no sé nada.

Estas situaciones se deben detectar para realizar acciones correctoras, prestando especial atención las tres primeras semanas de trabajo, en las que se asientan las relaciones.

  • Pienso que mi grupo todavía no está integrado. Puede ser porque no nos conozcamos aún. Pienso que en este momento puedo sentirme respaldado por el grupo
  • Como grupo pienso que trabaja bien y que todos estamos aportando y aprendiendo. Creo que llevamos bien el grupo, me siento bien, pero nos hace falta un poco más de tiempo para llegar a una confianza plena