Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

My world is in..

Goodbye ! It was a pleasure.

With this post I bid you all. They have been 6 intense months in which I learned a lot, I have met in this highly dynamic and attractive.
My avatar has been one of my most beloved paintings: Homer, my neighbor's dog that I have a special affection. An avatar who wanted to prioritize the content of the work I have posted on this blog, the coast of sacrificing mi identidad digital.

A few months ago, in a pleasant conversation with Paco Piniella told me:
“Joju, you do not want visibility right?”
“Not, paco, What I want is to disseminate knowledge” -would answer-

This adventure has allowed me much more, he experienced with most students (my true calling) but in turn has allowed me to interact with many people who recognize their great worth and that, repeat, I take a fond memory and a profound teachings.

I want to close this stage, for personal reasons, introducing me naked through a simple photo. My avatar is a gas in which I shelter, is simply overalls that helped me during these intense months.

This is me:

Professor at the University of Madrid, deputy director of the department of Aerospace Vehicles, Graphic expression coordinator of the Institute of Education Sciences (ICE) Masters for training secondary school teachers, coordinator of educational innovation “Visual Graphics Group” (VGA) …and, fundamentally, minded professor.

Life takes us through different paths, stirred us and push us in new directions. Today we transfer this with affection and gratitude.

CESO Bitacoras my social activity but keep a certain dynamic in the blog to complete the innovative educational experience in which I am immersed with school students. No content segregare.

Progressively Migrare the other blog, repeating (copying) Entries to combine the contents in this space, before I cancel my registration.

Thanks to all for your comments and visits during these exciting months. (I faltan adjectives)

Today I close a period of my life.

Goodbye ! It was a pleasure.

joju (José Juan Aliaga Maraver)