Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

My world is in..

DNS [Imagen 1280×1024]

A error in the DNS configuration the blog has had out of play for 24 hours, so that some have seen the old version still resides in Blogger.

The spread to different DNS servers suitable planet has taken a while, thus some countries have been “isolated” of my world between 1 and almost 20 hours.

To remember those hours of deep shock have made different synthetic images with the modeling and animation tool that we have been exploring on the blog, by Blender tutorial (certainly, I used to redesign a bit the page and make it more visual).

I leave an image with the word format DNS 1280 x 1024 (click on the image), like the fancy usarla wallpaper to remember that not good walk “touching the DNSs” a nadie.

Forgive my stupidity, seguro que volverá a ocurrir 😉