Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

My world is in..

Autonomous characters: Boids

banco_pecesAnimating particle systems is particularly important in the generation of complex groups such as simulating a flock of birds, herds of animals, etc. shoals.

These techniques are included in the concept of autonomous characters and are based on simple rules that are applied individually to each of the elements that comprise the Group.

Boids is an artificial life program, developed Craig Reynolds in 1986, quesimula the behaviour of birds who come. Your article on this subject fuepublicado in 1987 in the proceedings of the Conference ACM SIGGRAPH. The name refers to a “a bird-like object”, but its pronunciation evokes the of “Python” with an acentoestereotipadas of New York. (W)

In the following animated gif you can see a simple example with the particle system that incorporates Blender


Animated gif of a shoal of fish

The first defined rules were:

  • Separation: go to avoid the local agglomeration
  • Alignment: line up towards the middle of the set of elements
  • Cohesion: go to move toward the average position

The analysis presented by Reynolds classifies a sufficient processes for a variety of actions and movement responses using them combinedly.

These models have evolved to include a numerous set of specialized rules, that highlight some of special relevance:

  • Seek: Chasing a static object (Max speed). This action is considered base building model as discussed in the remaining.
  • Flee: Running away from a static object (Max. Speed). If at every moment try to pursue (Seek) symmetrical object (of our ) from which we flee, these actions are therefore chained.
  • Pursuit: Chasing a moving object (Seek for estimating the position of the object following pursued.)
  • Evasion: Fleeing a mobile object (Flee from the estimated position of the object following chaser)
  • Offset pursuit: Move at a distance from another object (Seek a fixed distance from point to predict the next position of the other object).
  • Arrival. Pursue a static object but slowing down as it approaches the target.

Other slightly more elaborate functions can be:

  • Obstacle avoidance: Avoid obstacles but without fleeing.
  • Wander: Random movement variations.
  • Path following: Follow a path approximately.
  • Wall following: Tracking a wall at a certain distance.
  • Containment: Movement restricted to a certain region.
  • Flow field following: Seguimientote of a vector field.
  • Unaligned collision avoidance: Avoid collision with the predecessor element.

And others like: Separation, Cohesion, Alignment, Flocking, Leader following.complete the necessary rules for complex simulations