Blender possible to create surfaces that behave like clothing. The simulation model is based on the mass-spring techniques for use in computer animation, elastic bodies for defining.
The cloth simulation module has control variables used to adjust the properties of the various tissues to be emulated.
Need to simulate a surface tissue. We can use a plane to experience the different variables that determine the behavior of the simulation.
Subdiviremos the plane entering edit mode (Select the background and press the key Tab). Activate the screen if not already switched on with the “to” (All) and then press the key “W“. In the popup menu select “subdivide“. We can repeat this option multiple times to achieve a mesh with the desired number of vertices. The greater the number of vertices the smoother the effect achieved in the simulation, but also cost more computation time obtaining it.
To convert the object into clothing we exit the previous edition, pressing the key again “Tab”, and access the menu “Physics”.
We will select the surface you want to assign the properties of clothing for simulation, and click on the button “Cloth”.
Automatically opens a new set of options to determine the properties we assign to adjust tissue simulation.
There are many parameters that determine the type of fabric to emulate, namely, its physical properties.
Mass: Tissue mass. A mayor masa, heavier clothing displays, affecting their deformation and possible interaction with surrounding objects.
Structural: Fabric stiffness. The elasticity or stiffness of the material will determine its tendency to maintain a deformable shape when colliding with objects.
Bending: Coefficient for determining tissue wrinkles. Small values allow a large degree of deformation of the object, small wrinkles and other bodies clingy fabrics, while smaller values will generate very thick folds.
We select a set of basic tissues and alter their properties to determine the type of behavior that we seek to emulate. These tissues update the value of all previous variables.
Among the basic settings available are:
- Cotton: Cotton
- Denim: Denim
- Leather: Leather
- Rubber: Rubber
- Silk: It
We can start from any of these core values and adjust the individual parameters that are available in the menu later.
Clothing can collide with other objects in the scene besides herself (autocolisión).
To turn collide with other objects, we make the choice “Cloth Collision”.
To enable the calculation of the collision with the object itself is to activate the above calculation, and the parameter “Self Collision”.
Available parameters affecting the quality of the calculation as well as the minimum distance to the object in which a collision occurs.
Rigid objects collide scene with the clothes must activate the collision.
En el menú “Physics”, activated in order, click on the button “Collision”. Back can adjust the quality parameters of the calculation and proximity to other objects to consider collision.
It is important that the surface we use to simulate the tissue has enabled “Smooth” to soften the visual appearance of the same.
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The fabrics may be free or may be subject to certain points, as it hangs them with tweezers to build, or just on our body apoyásemos. To secure a part of the fabric we create a vertex group and activate “Pinning”.
Will enter the edit mode of vertices, select those who want to set and add a new group. After you add the group we assign a suitable name and assign the selected vertices with button “Assign”
Then back to the menu “Physics”, activate the function “Pinning” and indicate the group of vertices that remain fixed.
Turning first animation of the scene is calculated tissue deformation, so initially may be relentizada.
Each time you modify a parameter we recalculate these tissue deformations in animation, but once we see the result computed in near real time (depending on the complexity).
In the following video you can see the differences that produce different values for the variables that define the tissues. It has changed a single parameter in each case, keeping the rest with equal value.
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