A representation of a simple object can not be easily solved in all cases. Some of these exercises are useful in an early stage of formation of our students, as they show the difficulty of unequivocally represent objects whose spatial restitution is accurate.
I proposed a resolution problem with a curious piece of technical drawing which it was determined by two of its projections.
evidently, as you can see, the two views are not chosen the most representative, I thereby allowing leave a degree of ambiguity in the object proposed.
In proposing this object we seek to stimulate the analysis thereof. Under the conditions of the problem we indicated that they were representing all views and hidden lines thereof, and we formulated the following question.
How many solutions can be determined?
One of the students in our Master in teacher training for compulsory secondary education, Baccalaureate and Vocational Training que impartimos desde la dirección del ICE de la UPM, D. Santiago Fabregat, me ha remitido sus soluciones al problema.
Estas soluciones, fruto de su personal análisis, me han parecido de gran interés formativo.
Además de la secuencia de estudio en la que se evolucionan los objetos, quiero destacar la estética de la representación. Un interesante trabajo que podemos compartir en esta página gracias a su autorización.
Solution, que como se ve no es única, puede completarse con otras variantes como la que nos ofrece en nuevas imágenes …
¿Puedes encontrar más variantes?
Soluciones e imágenes propiedad de D. Santiago Fabregat Carrascosa
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