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Graphic PIZiadas

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Categorías proyectividad

Geometría proyectiva: Elements arranged quaterns

Analogously to the definition of saw “ordered triples of elements”, we can state a definition that involves four elements.

The non-conservation of the simple reason conical projections necessary to study a new model that is applicable in these representations, a new invariant present in double reasons.

Parallel lines intersect at infinity, Myth or Reality?

One of the hardest concepts to assimilate in the first classes of projective geometry is the improper point. An improper point is a point at infinity and can be translated or interpreted as an address.

While metric geometry two lines intersect or are parallel, in projective geometry always intersect at a point proper or improper, what does not change in any way the operation with this geometric-mathematical model.

Geometría proyectiva: Ordered triples of elements


The items ordered triples of metric geometry is based on the well-known theorem of Pythagoras. All theorems are deduced from the concept of measurement that is derived from the right triangles. Analogous, projective geometry is based on another important theorem, el teorema de Thales, que en lugar de un concepto… (leer más)