Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

My world is in..

Categorías Tutoriales

Raytracing Images: RGB [Blogs experimental] [Blender]

Blender utiliza el modelo aditivo de luz para el tratamiento del color. Therefore used three “channels” (RGB ,Red, Green, Blue) with primary colors. There is another model, complementary to the previous, which is used to study painting, and you can experiment by mixing the colors of the clay, painting etc.; cada… (leer más)

3D Animation, Lights: Lighting with Textures [Blogs experimental] [Blender]

Similarly to the textured object, light sources can change the color of the light they throw on the basis of the application of patterns textures. The method for allocating texture patterns to a light source does not differ from that used for an object, sin embargo su aplicación puede… (leer más)