Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

My world is in..

Archivo de noviembre 2009



Classic game of life, adapted to blogs. It's just a test of interaction incorporating the blog. With the mouse is handled shovel.  Classic game of life, adapted to blogs. It's just a test of interaction incorporating the blog. With the mouse is handled shovel.

New Blog

Hello ! Little more to publish a line and see the mechanism

When the News is the News

Ana Laverón

Sometimes the news is news in itself.

Sometimes the news appears to be a success is a social setback.

Our colleague is professor of university and we welcome all, but to see the press release on the report UPM I've realized that reality is hard for women: Ana Laverón, “First lecturer ETSIA”.

The Prado, El Retiro and Waffles

“Where are we going today? Choose Retiro Park or better alPaseo Prado?” The question was expected. All weekday evenings repeated the same ritual. A woman, of which only remember her fondly, insistía machaconamente. Los fines de semana en cambio eran diferentes, estaba con mis padres y nos marchábamos de excursión a… (leer más)

Abstract reasoning: Thermodynamics and Infierno.

Yesterday I left a reflection for my son. Today I give answer metaphorically, by an example that has fallen into my hands and coming “like a glove”. The question threw me was: Do you think it is easier to design a supersonic plane that a thermos? The article (I like the referenciarme,… (leer más)

Paradojas del Diseño

This afternoon my son has given me a reason and I asked him to write me. Todo ha empezado cuando me ha preguntado ¿Crees que es más fácil diseñar un avión supersónico que un termo?. Os dejo su disertación. Esta mañana, enjoying a dynamic and exciting class of thermodynamics- para quien no haya… (leer más)