We have seen how to make a morphing of an image using a specific software (Sqirlz Morph) of the company Xiberpix from two images or videos. En esta entrada incorporamos una nueva herramienta a nuestro repertorio de programas de manipulación de imagen de síntesis, with stunning effects of reflection which can generate a dazzling mixed with distortion formed by waves, it allow us to simulate scenarios with water.
This effect has already been used previously with other avatars
Water Reflections
Water Reflections It uses a graphical interface similar to the one already seen for the realization of the morphings, where management is reduced to a few clicks of the mouse, allowing animated files from simple pictures or images in popular formats.
The program is free and can be downloaded from the pages of Xiberpix.
It has a menu in the form of text and graphical icons ( for practically all of the available functions )that you allow, In addition to the simulation of water reflection, Add or simulate the rain or the snow on our images and videos.
To illustrate its capabilities, we will introduce a simple example that will allow us to briefly explain the operating process.
We will depart from a simple static image (We have said that it can be used with videos) as it is the “Royal Palace” Madrid, in particular the gardens of the Queen.
Our goal is to create a small pond in the central area which is covered by lawn, in such a way that the environment of the Palace reflects.
Although it is possible to control the position of the plane of reflection, at the moment not delve into details, limiting us to analyze the construction process on a global basis. Later we'll look at the parameters that govern this type of effects in greater depth in order to adapt the result according to our needs and specific objectives.
The first operation will be to determine the area of reflexes. To define this space, We will go into the editing mode with the icon representing an ellipse.
With the mouse, by pressing the left Otto we will be defining the points that will be converted into the corners of the area to use as a mirror.
This area defines a mask over the image which in our case will be trapezoidal; in the figure it has outlined in red (the color has been modified to facilitate viewing on the article)
To close the polygon, join the last point to the first simply by pressing the right button of the mouse. We have therefore previously determined the four vertices of the polygon.
The duration of the animated sequence that we will generate will be indicated in “number of frames”. Depending on see how many frames per second animation will be more or less accelerated. In our case we will use 100 frames and later, to generate it, We will indicate that they should be displayed 15 per second.
To indicate the number of frames to calculate use the icon (A set of rows of color dots).
The next operation will consist of determining the type of effect to make.
We will use one depicting a set of waves that moves according to a given address may be changed (for the time being we will accept values by default) and simulating the advance of the waves in the sea, Although we can also use a propagation model in the form of circular waves similar to which occurs when we throw a stone into a pond.
Finally we previsualizaremos the effect before storing, obtain the following result.

The program allows to achieve apparent results in a short space of time; It has many configuration options which we will detail in new items.
Would you like to experiment with them?