Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

My world is in..

Archivo de diciembre 2012

Happy new year 2013

From wish you a happy and prosperous year 2013 full of exciting images.

Will continue to deliver new entries into the world of the image after these intimate dates. Blender, perception, geometry … marinated with some post related technical issue UPM studies will remain our focus of attention.

The hope !!!

Postal de navidad (XIV) [ School ] [ Blender ][ Trabajos ]

This is the work of student Nikolay Dragoev Christmas. This work has been to make a Christmas card made with Blender, Pudi to be used as wallpaper in these Navid. This work will assess the development of their learning in the first two months of computer animation course.   Students course work 2012-2013

Innocent !

Today is the day of the innocents and the network is no stranger to this. It is difficult to determine the veracity of some news, other, being real, become impossible to assimilate.
A feast of hard origin which becomes mockery, in this complex human reasoning that allows us to avoid the suffering of the dramas with which, sometimes, We face.

Today touch attentive to reality or, best, not be carried away by other realities sometimes of dubious taste.

Evolving work

During the teaching-learning process that occurs in the courses I teach at the university ground propose different jobs that are oriented according to the educational objectives that apply at all times.

The way to motivate students with these works a significant impact on their academic performance, so that combining different strategies allows for optimum results.

Overall I like teaching base long-term projects that serve, fundamentally, for students to maintain a constant exploratory attitude to the subject; Every aspect or concept being taught can ask the same questions:

Would I used for my project?
How do I adapt?

PDI Navidad !

PDI PDI-Navidad!

I wish you happy holidays and, above all, a prosperous new year to all. Hopefully that is a little better than we closed and, those most in need, get overcome tough situations that are living.


The phenomena that affect perception are varied. An element isolated not look the same if you are surrounded by other elements. Its color, their size or shape are altered in the process of recognition to which our senses undergo.
A set of basic rules collected as “Leyes de la Gestalt” allow us to understand the processes that influence the shape recognition.

The Gestalt laws are based on the idea that "the whole is more than the sum of its parts", outlining key elementary processes of the organization of information in the perceptual process.

Happy holidays CAJAL

From these pages I want to commend the work of researchers from different disciplines, and in particular, those involved in the project Cajal Bluebrain from different agencies such as the Instituto Cajal or universities like PSU ( coordinating the project and brings supercomputing center CesViMa for your super computer simulation Margerit), URJC(taking responsibility for developing advanced display systems) , and Castilla-La Mancha.

Felices Fiestas URJC

Entre la oferta educativa de las universidades españolas nos encontramos títulos conducentes al manejo de los gráficos, a la programación de imagen de síntesis y videojuegos o la creación y gestión de realidad virtual.

La URJC oferta un Máster Oficial en Informática Gráfica, Juegos y Realidad Virtual de gran nivel formativo qur cursé e su primera edición.

The end of the world

Surely this video is the closest I'll doomsday. An animation with image of synthesis that recreates us an apocalyptic end of film.

Natural disasters of apocalyptic dimensions that kept half the world entertaining, as the end of the millennium, effect 2000 or one that allows us to imagine a terrible end for humanity.

Tomorrow we will continue with our daily problems … hoping someone again predict a terrible end for all mankind.