Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

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The problem with the pool table

billarOne of the most geometric games there is the “Billiard game”, in which using a drum with a wad (called pool cue) on a ball, we must ensure that this impact on one or more other arranged in a rectangular table.

The table may or may not have holes that will put it in the balls, depending on the type of game in question. There are different rules for this game, Though the core impact control is the same.

With the “The taco de bill” effects can be given to balls, but if hit just in the center, behavior can be compared to the classical transformations that are studied in the axial symmetries.

He billiards are a precision sport that practices promoting a taco with a varying number of balls (formerly Ivory), at a table with top in slate-lined cloth, surrounded by strips of resilient material and with or without slits. Had the Olympic Charter for Olympics 2004, although it came to be included in them.(W)

Our problem is to hit one of the two balls are on the table (A for example) , so that it impacts the other(la B) previously given in one of the bands (edges) Table.

pool balls

In the following graph the problem outlined, which can be stated as follows:

Determine the direction “d” with which we must strike at the center of the ball “A” for, impact upon the side table in point “P” determine, impact and rebound elastically with ball “B” located elsewhere in the table.

The likely trajectory (APB) has been represented with dashed lines.

table problem

Remember that in a pot elastic, angle of incidence, alfa, from the normal to the surface equals the angle at which the ball is thrown.


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