Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

My world is in..

Archivo de marzo 2017

Conic as Locus Centers Circumferences Tangents

We have seen that the study of conic can be made from different geometric approaches. En particular, to start analyzing conic we have defined as the ellipse locus, we said that:

Ellipse is the locus of points in a plane whose sum of distances from two fixed points, called Spotlights, It has a constant value.

This metric definition of this curve allows us to address important study relating to the tangents circumferences, known as “Problem of Apollonius” in any of its versions. When we approach the study of the parabola or hyperbola return to reframe the problem to generalize these concepts and reduce problems “fundamental problem of tangents in the case straight”, or “fundamental problem of tangents in the case circumference”, namely, determining a circumference of a “Make corradical” a tangency condition.