Fundamentos Proyectivos
Representation systems are based on the operations or projective transformations.
Projective invariant concepts are analogous to the corresponding metric, constituting a geometry in which the measure leads to the form. The simple reason and the cross-ratio are in the conceptual basis of this model.
Diédrico System: Topología básica
System dihedral: Paralelismo y perpendicularidad
System dihedral: Proyecciones auxiliares
- LO-F-017. Projective FP1-Basics (FP_v09c1).
Fundamentals projective. Projection Operations section. Ordered triples of elements.
Training. - LO-F-018. FP2-quaternions (FP_v09c2).
Element quaterns: Reason double.
Training. - LO-F-019. FP3-perspectivity (FP_v09c3).
Projective perspective.
Training. - LO-F-020. FP4-Harmonic Relations (FP_v09c4).
Foreign harmonic lines and circles orthogonal.
Training. - LO-F-021. FP5-Projectivity (CP_v14c5).
General projective. Axles and projective centers.
Second order
Representation Systems
- LO-F-025. SR1-Projections (SR_v15c1).
Fundamentals cylindrical and conical Screenings.
Training. - LO-F-026. SR2-Projection Plans (SR_v15c2).
Projections on different planes. Projective Invariant.
Training. - LO-F-027. SR3-Classification (SR_v15c3).
Classification of cylindrical and conical systems.
Membership or incidence
- LO-F-028. SR4-Membership (SR_v15c4).
Membership and correspondence between elements projections.
Training. - LO-F-029. SR5-Parallelism (SR_v15c5).
Conservation parallelism and obtaining cylindrical projections in the conical limit points.
Training. - LO-F-030. SR6-Projection of planes (SR_v15c6).
Treatment of planes projections.
Training. - LO-F-031. SR7-Incidence (SR_v15c7).
Treatment of intersections between lines and planes.
- LO-F-032. SR8-Perpendcularidad (SR_v15c8).
Training. - LO-F-033. SR9-Measure (SR_v15c9).
Treatment distance measurement and.
Training. - LO-F-034. SR10-auxiliary projections (SR_v15c10).
Projections auxiliary projection planes changes.
Training. - LO-F-035. SR11-Turns and discouragements (SR_v15c11).
Money and dejection as auxiliary transformations to obtain real magnitudes.
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