Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

My world is in..

Archivo de noviembre 2010

Wallpaper: Christmas (II) [Imagen 1280×1024]

A new wallpaper themed christmas to start preparing our area before the arrival of the Christmas season. Una imagen de síntesis que recrea dos tipos diferentes del espumillón que utilizamos en árboles y nacimientos para aportar ese color brillante con mil reflejos que destaca al iluminarlo con luces de colores. A “Wallpaper”… (leer más)

3D Animation, Objects: Boolean operations: Tuerca [Blogs experimental] [ Blender ]

Boolean operations to model objects from a set of basic primitives to which operators are applied sum, difference and intersection. The mechanics are simple objects obtained with this technique, and that “manufactured” also from the “basic forms”. A simple example is a nut; aparentemente… (leer más)

Goloviarte y su pintura acrílica @Goloviarte

A few days ago I received a letter with a postcard inside.

Al abrir la carta pude ver la imagen que os muestro en esta fotografía.

¿De quién es?

@ Goloviarte, or nick name by which we know on Twitter to Gregorio López Vicente, sent me a beautiful card format work on a cardboard support coming later to take to framing deserves to dress like the back of my house; is a way to share with my views the work of this unique artist.

The painting was made with acrylics and I have to say that until I received the card, had a completely different picture of the expressive possibilities of this technique.

3D Animation, Key Framing: Animar Texturas [ Blogs experimental ] [ Blender ]

We have seen how to animate using the technique of “Key Framing” checking in “keyframes” a state of the animation automatically interpolates the remaining frames in the animation. The technique used is commonly used to define positions fundamentally, sizes and scale factors in the models (polygon meshes) we encourage,… (leer más)

Wallpaper: Christmas (I) [Imagen 1280×1024]

We started a new series to facilitate different Christmas decorations for our blog and to the PC, that we can use in the upcoming winter holidays. Synthetic images that more, open a hole in a world between painting and photography, between the conception and the timing. En esta… (leer más)

3D Animation, Objects: Tubes [Blogs experimental] [ Blender ]

Animation forms threadlike tubes or pipes to simulate, hair and other elements of great use in the generation of scenarios and characters.

The build process is specific to each software tool.
How do you create a pipeline in Blender? Although it is a simple process, worth analysis to rapidly explore their generation and particularities.