Circuit is a small animated short with synthetic image in which two characters cyber (robots) have a fun showdown.
The video is a good example of so-called “Particle Systems” and the application of techniques “multifísica” for automatic generation of moving objects.
With these systems, Objects are defined by their physical properties, masa weight, gravity, magnetic fields etc.. and animation software calculates collisions and corresponding movements. It is worth noting in detail the animation boxes.
Circuit from Felix Telfer on Vimeo.
A short animation, exploring the issue of the Digital Divide and eWaste though character conflict.
Produced at Massey University Wellington, New Zealand.
Producer and Lead Animator: Yannick Gillain
Dynamics/3D Effects and Lead Modeller: Felix Telfer
Matte Painting, Texturing and Lead Compositor: Shinji Dawson
Music: Keir Husson
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