Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

My world is in..

Pieces of Drafting [46] [Normalization] [Education]

pieza dibujo técnico 46
pieza dibujo técnico 46b

A complex exercise that allows us to practice the standard representation of a mechanical part in 3D technical drawing.

Tenemos en este objeto una placa rectangular con dos formas cilíndricas huecas unidas interiormente.

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The main plane of symmetry can be used to identify a section which enables seeing the inside of the piece.


A false despondency in view would define the shape of the base and the distribution of holes on the same

Will we need a plant? And a profile?

Representing the views needed to define the object, dimensioning according to standards

Displaying the piece may require a extension browsers “Chrome” for proper handling.

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