Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

My world is in..

Categorías Dibujo Técnico

How to create a 3D PDF for documentation and education

Current technology allows us to generate documents with rich content. In this case we will see how you can incorporate a 3D model to a document format “PDF”, retaining the three-dimensional model information, allowing us to change your display interactively.

A curious piece of technical drawing

One of the classic exercises that start in high school is that of obtaining a three-dimensional model from two or more given views of an object.

Objects or initial parts tend to be basic and composed of flat surfaces. In general, the space they occupy is limited to a small cuboid.

Through this exercise stimulates the so-called “spatial vision” Student, looking to learn how to “read” and “To write” graphically representation of volumes.

The problem of the CAP with three forms

One of the first problems posed in my classes is that call “The CAP with three forms”.

It serves as introduction to the descriptive geometry and forces to make a spatial analysis of great interest for the training of students.

The problem is to determine a plug used to fill three holes that we have made in a wooden box.

Diédrico System: Projection of the plane

A plane is determined by three unaligned points, so adding a new point to a straight line projections can define it. In this case we will give at least two related dimensions on each plane of projection in order to become independent projections of these plans support of representation. We will learn to represent maps and items belonging to them.

To be Professor of drawing in high school you need a Master

To become Professor of technical drawing in secondary, What to do?

Many of my students have asked me what to do to be Professor of drawing, course that I teach at the University. The answer is always the same do teacher what? It is not the same be University professor who became an Institute Professor.

Pieces of Drafting [56] [ Normalization ] [ Education ]

Las piezas que usamos en las primeras etapas formativas suelen tener caras paralelas a los planos de proyección. Estas características permiten que su representación se realice recurriendo únicamente a los planos básicos, horizontales, verticales y/o de perfíl.

En aquellos casos en los que existen elementoa oblícuos deberemos realizar representaciones basadas en vistas auxiliares (simples o múltiples) de forma que en alguna de las representaciones se puedan apreciar en verdadera magnitud el ángulo que forman entre sí estos elementos oblicuos.

Introduction to the study of the hyperbolic paraboloid [ Animation ] [ Surfaces ]

paraboloid hiperbolico

The surfaces used in the engineering are different natures. Su classification based on different criteria serves to facilitate understanding and su deduce common groups ellas.
One aspect which differentiates these surfaces is the possibility of generating by straight movement along a curve, or subject to a law of generation. These include the so-called “Hyperbolic paraboloid”

Pieces of Drafting [55] [ Normalization ] [ Education ]

The pieces in 3d that we are presenting, mostly, come from representations of real objects with functionality in mechanical assemblies. Identifying your working position can help us find the main view of the object, that will determine the most complete information of the same. One or more additional views, profile, the front auxiliary views, will end up defining the shape and dimensions of the object.

Pieces of Drafting [54] [ Normalization ] [ Education ]

The pieces in 3d that we are presenting, mostly, come from representations of real objects with functionality in mechanical assemblies. Identifying your working position can help us find the main view of the object, that will determine the most complete information of the same. One or more additional views, profile, the front auxiliary views, will end up defining the shape and dimensions of the object.

Pieces of Drafting [53] [ Normalization ] [ Education ]

A new 3D mechanical part, which can be defined from a main view to determine the flat shape and position of the accommodation on it. An additional view, the front profile, terminará de definir la forma y longitud de los resaltes y agujeros.Deberemos por lo tanto representarla según las normas de… (leer más)