Classically, to train our students in spatial vision, static images were used to represent volumes Mechanical.
The technology to create learning environments in which you can add motion to the representations, viewing closer to that obtained with a real object.
The advantages of these models have been tested experimentally oriented training classes engineers, achieving a significant improvement in the development of visual-spatial skills and in the geometric interpretation of its constituent.
Lack develop repositories of these formative elements to which they can access freely to improve the teaching of technological character of these training cycles.
Alongside models 3D we have presented in PDF format that have been developed for training our engineering students (Technical drawing Spare) Today we propose a methodology that does not need special viewers and equally useful: Animated GIF files with technical content.
Como ejemplo, shows a piece made with Blender (can be created with other programs such as Catia, Solidedge, Autocad); subsequently encouraged by creating a set of frames that have been saved as a single animated GIF file. This process is completed with free software tool GIMP.
The advantage of this kind of model is that, to not present a specific projection, prevent the student use mecanicismos copy of the lines that are presented in the projection, forcing him to conceptualize the model to outline its idealization, accordance with the rules.
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