Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

My world is in..

Categorías Iluminación

3D Animation, Shading: Add Textures to Material [Blogs experimental] [Blender]


Hemos visto como editar o añadir un material a un objeto, así como las principales propiedades de éstos. At the moment the whole object “dressed” the same color, varying only the illumination effect on its surface to provide the sense of volume. The textures add a component of credibility to objects, to… (leer más)

3D Animation, Lights: Tipos [Blogs experimental] [Blender]

One of the most important aspects in creating an image synthesis is the definition of the elements that illuminate the scene. Blender allows you to define different objects that add lighting to the objects that make up a scene. We will introduce the different types of lights and their basic characteristics, en una primera… (leer más)

3D Animation, Shading: Material Properties [Blogs experimental] [Blender]

Continue advancing basic concepts as applied. The appearance of the object is created from a few values ​​that describe a model that has been growing in complexity as tools have been developed increasingly comprehensive. El color del objeto es una propiedad que puede referirse a diferentes… (leer más)

3D Animation, Shading: Edit or Add a Material [Blogs experimental] [Blender]

La textura más simple que se puede utilizar en un objeto es una imagen sobre su superficie, sustituyendo el color liso del objeto por los correspondientes de la imagen utilizada. To add an image to the surface of an object you will have to enter the mode of editing of materials and add textures, para ello tendremos… (leer más)

Raytracing: Playing with Light and Textures with Blender

The light and textures play a key role when rendering a scene. This article uses a single model that has been assigned different material properties (textures) y en el que hemos ido cambiando las propiedades de la dureza de la sombra que genera un punto de… (leer más)

What is Raytracing? Introduction to image synthesis.

To create photorealistic images using different programming techniques, being “Raytracing” or “raytracing” one of the most interesting offering.

In this paper we introduce concepts necessary to understand how to generate one of these images, while this technique is presented by a sequence of “intermediate photos” that explain in detail the properties of synthetic lighting models.