Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

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Categories Wallpapers

Wallpaper: Flower “Prune trilobulado”

The Prunus triloba Lindl is known by different names, as: Plum Flower, Almond Flower, Almond tree, Prune trilobulado. Belongs to the family “Rosaceae” and its origin is in China; being introduced in Europe in the second half of the nineteenth century. Its size is between that of a small tree and shrub… (leer más)

Wallpaper: Azalea [Imagen 1706 x 1280]

Azaleas are shrubs flower at present classified in two subgenera of Rhododendron – subgenus Pentanthera, typified porRhododendron nudiflorum and Tsutsusi subgenus Rhododendron with tsutsusi. There are deciduous azaleas and evergreen azaleas. A winter flower grows best in shady wet areas, but with a well-drained soil, y que produce una gran… (leer más)

Flowers in the Market Arenal de Sevilla [Imagen][ photo ]

La flor es la estructura reproductiva característica de las plantas llamadas espermatofitas o fanerógamas. La función de una flor es producir semillas a través de la reproducción sexual. For plants, the seeds are the next generation, and serve as the primary means through which the species are perpetuated and spread. (W) I love flowers; sus… (leer más)

Wallpaper: Aralia [Imagen 1280×1024]

Aralia, angelica tree commonly called, is a genus in the family Araliaceae, consisting 68 accepted species of deciduous and evergreen trees, shrubbery, and some rhizomatous herbaceous perennial, los tamaños varían desde algunas que sólo alcanzan 50 cm hasta árboles de más de 20 m de altura. Es nativo de Asia (Japón y… (leer más)

Wallpaper: Winter Flower [Imagen 1280×1024]

A winter seasonal flower that grows in my yard every year around this time serves as a ground for a new desktop background keep in Wallpapers Gallery, along with Christmas songs because, a flower that grows in winter Is not it a Christmas theme? A warm toned image (amarillos… (leer más)

PIZiadas in Oils: Spring Garden

Plants, flowers and in general the nature lends itself to the “Portrait” When it manifests in our senses. The frozen image of a spring garden allows to provide primary colors without fear to stridency, pincelados in its purest state and among the side that bathe the canvas. Oil on canvas