Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

My world is in..

Image Categories

Migrating to WordPress: Playing Background

Today we hang curtains, wall dressing blog. Trial and error, a tasting and testing as with melons. Un patrón geométrico que pueda ser teselado en función de la longitud del post; un patrón que refuerce la imagen de identidad que impone la imagen de cabecera, reforzándola pero… (leer más)

Transparency, Reflection and Refraction Gloss effect [Image]

Refraction Cubes, Reflection and Gloss effect Select with the mouse to view the image at its actual size Raytracing Images Image Synthesis: RGB RGB Transparencies [Image] 3D Animation, Lights: Types 3D Animation, Lights: Shadows 3D Animation, Lights: Lighting with Textures 3D Animation, Shading: Transparent materials

Visual Introduction to Shaders and lighting models [ Blogs experimental ] [ Blender ]

Synthetic images, as we are calculating with Blender, are rendered with different types of algorithms; results vary the final representation of the objects in the scene. We must distinguish between two different aspects when it comes to study in detail the process of image creation, from the point of view of the software to… (leer más)

Images RayTracing: Spheres with Raytracing [ rendered with Blender ]

Something light for the weekend, RayTracing an image of a scene consisting of spheres and planes, with a high level of recursion and transparency effects with the model “Fresnel”. An example of the beauty of the images you can get free software Blender. Other rendering engines as Yafray (that… (leer más)

3D Animation, Shading: Parámetros de las Texturas [Blogs experimental] [Blender]

Some textures can work a lot of concepts widely used in the synthesis imaging. The seeing practically introduce some illustrative examples, but we can go making classifications to help us structure this rich variety of possibilities offered. After adding a texture, we adjust the various parameters… (leer más)