Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

My world is in..

Image Categories

All With Guatemala

All are with Guatemala, and our friend RC reminds us that need our help and solidarity. On his blog you can see first hand the situation in the country. Animo Guatemala! Guatemala, un país con esperanza Capsulas de información Generosidad LOS FAMOSOS AGUJEROS DE LA ZONA 6 (2007) AND AREA 2 (2010) VICTIMS!…MANY HANDS WORK FOR GUATEMALA… (leer más)

Raytracing: Playing with Light and Textures with Blender

The light and textures play a key role when rendering a scene. This article uses a single model that has been assigned different material properties (textures) y en el que hemos ido cambiando las propiedades de la dureza de la sombra que genera un punto de… (leer más)

Representation of Proteins

Proteins are macromolecules consisting of linear chains of amino acids. The name protein comes from the Greek word πρώτα (“prota”), meaning “the first” or god Proteus , by the number of ways that can be taken. (Wikipedia) Hemoglobin a few years ago enjoyed programming a molecular structures Viewer. This image is the first that I kept, a molecule of hemoglobin… (leer más)

Blogs Graphics: Doenjo photoblog

A window with a photo subject us overlooking a city with Goblin, showing us the corners most beautiful and representative in a walk thought through their arteries broken by the Guadalquivir. Un blog que encanta visualmente y que enseña a apreciar cada rincón de una ciudad que brilla en sus fotografias, al tiempo… (leer más)

PIZiadas in Oils: Jesus [Series “letters”]

Tengo una série de cuadros en los que se representan amigos y personas que me rodean.
“Jesus” tiene dos caras:
La amable como la de un pichón y la dura que le acerca al Águila. Ambos vuelan sobre los campos españoles que recorre incansablemente.

Your name, and their faces are reflected in this picture.
Do you see them?

Metric Geometry [Experimental Blogs]

This page links to content published selected blogs innovative educational experience. Esto es una selección de los trabajos que han publicado el último mes los grupos que se han formado para dicha experiencia. I hope you like his extraordinary contribution to the educational world. The beauty of geometry… (leer más)