Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

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Categories Technology

Mosaic pictures with step by step photo-Mosaik


Let's see step by step how we can generate a mosaic based on an image gallery, with it software “Photo-Mosaic“. Each one of them images will act as a macro pixel to build the final image. For him hacer una mosaic continue operating sequence that you can sign conceptually reduce the: Generar the database… (leer más)

How to make a photo mosaic with images? [Foto-Mosaik]


An image on a computer screen is formed by a set of points, called pixels, Color.

Our perception supported by the Gestalt laws make us believe that it is a continuous image although its nature is discrete.

An application that easily allows a mosaic of a photograph from a set of images is the software Photo-Mosaic.

Firefox4 turns your logo into a mosaic of Twitter avatars

FIREFOX Browser is renewed with a new version that adds up several million downloads in its first moments of distribution. One of the ideas implemented for promotion has been to open a page where the logo is constructed with pixelated avatars twitter. He has called “Fiesta Twitter… (leer más)

Pieces of Drafting [19] [Normalization] [Education]

A new part with a main plane of symmetry that allows simplified representation media eliminating view. Descargar Fichero PDF 3D Las simetrias permiten representaciones parciales basadas en sus planos principales. Representar las vistas del objeto La visualización de la pieza puede requerir de una extensión en navegadores “Chrome” for proper handling.

Pieces of Drafting [18] [Normalization] [Education]

A new part with a main plane of symmetry that allows simplified representation using this feature. As additional important aspect observed the presence of a reinforcing element, nervio central, that meets structural features. Estos elementos que no afectan al funcionamiento básico y sólo sirven para aumentar las características mecánicas de resistencia de la… (leer más)

Aeronautical models [videos]


There are many people who have a hobby model building at different scales. A classic of the genre are those relating to the railway world, although we can find virtually any sort represented. En los siguientes vídeos se puede disfrutar visualmente de las correspondientes al mundo en el que participo educativamente, la aeronáutica. Pena que se encuentre en… (leer más)

Pieces of Drafting [17] [Normalization] [Education]

Typically the parts are represented in the rest position or in the “work”. The front view provides information about the three forms cylindrical perforations quecontienen Object. A side view or plan may complete three-dimensional information. The plan view defines especially having circumferences Figure. Se debe prestar… (leer más)

Pieces of Drafting [16] [Normalization] [Education]


It should represent the views minimum necessary to define the object. Los “jitters” are structural parts which do not affect the functionality. Its role is to reinforce the object to avoid breakage due to the stresses to which it is subjected during operation. The triangular shape which joins with the cylindrical support “key”… (leer más)

Pieces of Drafting [15] [Normalization] [Education]


It should represent the minimum necessary to define view objects. The front view provides information about the three forms cylindrical object. A top view can complete three-dimensional information. The bores of the base serve to receive screws for attaching the workpiece to a bedplate. Estos taladros se realizan con dos… (leer más)

Airbus 380 inside [interactive]

The Airbus A380-named A3XX during much of its development stage-4 is a plane tetrarreactor manufactured by the pan-European company Airbus, EADS.Puedes subsidiary of the group, an interactive application to see inside these luxury aircraft: Use the mouse to dynamically view and from different angles this technical marvel of aerospace, It is a link that you can not miss, least to see some screen shots:

Pieces of Drafting [14] [Normalization] [Education]


If we have relevant information in each of the directions of efference triedro, is possible that two views are not sufficient to unambiguously represent the object. Sometimes it may be necessary for both dihedral three or more views. When sizing the object (narrow) deberemos repartir de forma adecuada las cotas… (leer más)