Pieces of Drafting [13] [Normalization] [Education]
Drafting New piece to determine its standard representation: Exercise class
Drafting New piece to determine its standard representation: Exercise class
Again the symmetries appear in technical drawing parts, which should lead us to seek representation techniques that allow to use this feature recurring engineering. The axes of symmetry. axes represented as circles with small marks at the ends, allow us to represent only one of the parts of the object. La forma en… (leer más)
As every year, Professor Jaime Rua, junto con la profesora María Jesús Casati nos regalan unas simpáticas imágenes del concurso de puentes de palillos que realizan con los alumnos de tercero de la especialidad de “Airports” technical aeronautical engineering. Una clase en forma de concurso de alto interés pedagógico que cierra un… (leer más)
Since childhood I have always wanted to know how he watches ingeniaban to make the seconds hand jumps off, instead of maintaining a continuous and uniform motion. I could understand that circular motion, a gear wheel, could be transmitted to the other wheels of different sizes achieving varying speed,… (leer más)
The pedagogical debate on the educational use of blogs, formative perspective, has led to the development of many innovative educational experiences. In the EUITA of the UPM , during this course, se añade una más en la que se usa el blog como cuaderno de equipo, en una aproximación digital de las… (leer más)
The representation of social interactions between users, the effect of a given word and its dissemination in a live network is subject to complex sociological. El efecto de un pensamiento o “same” short time can impact on any geographical latitude, forming a system comparable to neuronal tissue.
La interpretación de los grafos puede ser tan compleja como la de los que producen los modernos colisionadores de partículas. The vertical lines indicate no effect, while the vertical and spirals denote great media impact.
The object has been created from a unitary dimension cube, used its vertices and its geometric center to define the faces of the new object. Oblique planes hence are well defined from the initial volume. This conceptualization of objects (que se basa en idearlos a partir de modelos más… (leer más)
As the object becomes complicated form, a simple projection can not give us enough information about the object that we want to represent. His interpretation may be ambiguous and need to new views that complement, that allow us to “return” form. Si somos capaces de realizar una representación correcta y completa del… (leer más)
The sequence of parts can be understood as a process of mechanization. The represented object can be obtained from the blank 1 simply restandole materials (cutting the last piece to take part). Esta idea será de aplicación a la hora de modelar objetos con los programas de CAD, haciendo uso de operaciones booleanas en… (leer más)
With this piece we started a series of more than 50 dimensional objects for learning the standard representation on the subjects of Drafting.
I received an email which he spread through this post given the interest of the event is announced (for the aviation sector). Estimados investigadores Este año tendrá lugar en Madrid la celebración del evento “Aerodays 2011” during days 30 March and 1 April. This is an event that, every four years, reúne a los… (leer más)
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