Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

My world is in..

Wallpaper: Christmas 2012 (XXVI) : Christmas tree helical [ Imagen 1280×1024 y HD 1920 x 1080 ]

A straight tapered axial helix is ​​the basis for this wallpaper which idealizes a Christmas tree.

The model used to test the performance of twisted ruled surfaces, at the time you create a wallpaper.

Once more, la geometría aparece en nuestros diseños navideños. Una arista que rota y se traslada segúnla dirección del tronco del árbol genera una interesante superficie que lo emula.

Channels of an image synthesis


We have often spoken of “Transparency channel” de una imagen, which describes the points or “pixels” of said image which do not have an associated color and thus are “transparent”.

A Blender, transparency canal, can get other channels, appropriately combined, defining the final image.

Wallpaper: Christmas 2012 (XXV) : Snowflake (II) [ Imagen 1280×1024 y HD 1920 x 1080 ]


With the latest wallpaper “snowflake” commented he could not miss us to conduct a snowflake in Blender for a Christmas wallpaper as in years past, with the "Snowflake 2011", "Snow flake" or the creation of a material for a realistic snowflake.

Since no two without three, try to add a new one before the end of the series of Christmas wallpapers, adding the effects that have been applied in all.

Index of refraction

Index of refraction

By introducing transparent materials have been different parameters that characterize. In “Cycles” have named a shader “Glass” to simulate the behavior of translucent objects where the light changes direction through them.

Has an associated transparency parameter that redirection of light rays passing through the material, is the coefficient of refraction; the software performs calculations to simulate these effects are based on the "Law of Snell".

Wallpaper: Christmas 2012 (XXIV) : Real or simulated? : Christmas Tinsel and nuts on wood [ Imagen 1280×1024 y HD 1920 x 1080 ] [ Cycles ] [ Blender ] [ Wallpaper ]

Tuerca, tornillo y espumillón de navidad sobre mesa de madera

A new wallpaper which straddles the number of graduates realistic wallpaper “Real or simulated?” and “wallpapers de navidad 2012 – 2013” recreating the work entitled “Nuts and Bolts” adding classic Christmas tinsel made in Blender.

A fund-like embossed wooden table serves to support the tinsel, and nut-screw with balls reflecting an environment map.

Wallpaper: Christmas 2012 (XXIII) : Christmas Tinsel and textured cubes [ Imagen 1280×1024 y HD 1920 x 1080 ]

ice espumillon

Some cubes with a picture of an ice snowflake texture accompanying the classic Christmas tinsel. Emissive materials that provide the light from inside the scene in a dark wallpaper, energetically Green, that will become part of the Christmas wallpapers gallery this year.

A new exercise to motivate our students to model in Blender tinsel.

This series of images, with many reflective surfaces (tinsel hairs), represent a test computing capabilities of a computer, due to the high number of bounces that are calculated for light rays.

Physics : Dynamic paint : Introduction [ Blender ]

dynamic paint

“Dynamic paint” is a feature introduced in Blender since version 2.61. Lets use an object as canvas (“Canvas”) and another as brush (“Brush”) and dynamically, through contact with the painting brush, “paint” textures that can be used as weight maps for different purposes.

These maps can be used to simulate dusty areas we can clean, grass fields we can cut (by the). condensation on windows in which to fingerpaint etc..

New version of Blender ( 2.65 )

Blender 2.65

A new version of Blender has been licensed today.

The review that includes more than 200 bug fixes (Bugs) detected in the previous version, 2.64, includes significant improvements in the particle system used in the generation of smoke, with ability to mix colors and variable domains to generate smoke, and in the surface mesh editing.

Version, interface that maintains the 2.5x series coming months will continue to evolve to provide significant improvements in their rendering engines for particles between other notable aspects.

Wallpaper: Christmas 2012 (XXII) : Christmas Tinsel, balls and stars [ Imagen 1280×1024 y HD 1920 x 1080 ]


Although the tinsel is a distinctive element in the holidays, due to the computational difficulty of the simulation does not appear too often in the wallpapers that I leave on the blog.
It is necessary to simulate many thousands of tiny hairs that reflect light between them in a dance almost infinite rays to get a more or less acceptable appearance.

In the following wallpaper, after modeling in Blender tinsel, We added a couple of fields and a particle system generating a shower of stars to complete the stage.

Wallpaper: Christmas 2012 (XXI) : Snowflake [ Imagen 1280×1024 y HD 1920 x 1080 ]


The coincidence of Christmas with the winter season in the northern hemisphere makes associate snow with these festive dates.

We could not miss us to conduct a snowflake in Blender for a Christmas wallpaper as in past years, with the “Snowflake 2011”, “Snow flakes” or the creation of a material for a realistic snow snowflake.

In this case we have used the system with particles rendering techniques in layers and overlapping with nodes “Mix” to create this new format snowflake wallpaper 1280 x 1024.

Wallpaper: Christmas 2012 (XX) : Árbol de navidad desenfocado [ Imagen 1280×1024 y HD 1920 x 1080 ]


Whenever there is a class you learn. Each time a student raises a question the teacher learns a new lesson, whether a content, either how to count the concept or a new application of the. The fact is that the feedback process is always repeated in classes.

On occasion, a person who has told me that he wanted to increase knowledge in some field, I've been repeating the same phrase:

If you want to learn something, enséñalo
Hoy me han enviado un correo preguntando la forma de desenfocar parte de una imagen en Blender. I immediately wrote an article to answer the questions and, passing, I have experienced the technique with the current series of minimalist wallpapers I'm doing, enjoying, for Christmas.