Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

My world is in..

Categorías modelado

Andy (Android) in the office with a Mac


Can you imagine Google employees using an iphone? What the Apple with Nexus?

Pass, pueder spend; and certainly would be news to locate a picture of this event.

This is the idea that developed Nikolay Dragoev to perform his new work in Blender for animation course. In previous installments had worked the character, Andy (mascota of Android) and your partner. Now we consider the need for an environment in which to move, like your house, the beach, work ….

3D Animation, Key Framing: Introduction to the Keys of the form [ Blender ]

clave de forma

We have seen the technique “Key framing” for object animation. A simple way to "animate object" to move on stage is to define the initial position, y la posición final transcurrido un cierto intervalo de tiempo. Animar el color, la forma de una superficie, etc., puede utilizar el mismo modelo… (leer más)

Andy (Android) y su novia (IV) [ School ][ Blender ]

Chica Android

Una pareja de la NUEVA interpretación of Andy, mascota of Android, which refers in this case Robert Merchan Nicholas, dentro de los trabajos of curso.

Al igual que en el YPFSF of “Andy y sus amigos” empiezan to aparecer escenarios complementan la imagen que un mensaje y permiten if completo, COMO que esta la playa en vemos to Andy y su novia.

Desde el Punto in vista del nuevo del modelado personaje destaca, junto al color, variación en una importante que los volúmenes definen mientras se su cuerpo y Cabeza mantienen ectremidades. Cabe mencionarse también la variación (Inclusion) de la Boca.

Andy y sus amigos (Android) [ School ][ Blender ]


Among the various free performances on the exercise of creating a couple of characters based on Andy, Current Android mascot, Hemos seen with creative ideas “new” friends and in this we find in this case “aged”

Jorge Gregorio Zaplana send us their work on the theme of this week, Android and Anniversary 5 years old.

Modeling Andy (Android) con Blender


One of the first modeling exercises in our course of Blender has been the mascot “Andy” de Android, because it can serve, a very basic level, to work gestural aspects (positions).

This year, performed in class, has been used to propose new work students: perform a couple of character. The results, varied, friendly and a lot of creativity can be seen in “Student work”

Andy and Drod (Android) [ School ][ Blender ]


In proposing to my students, como trabajo de la última clase de Blender, la realización de la pareja de Andy (mascota of Android) the trend has been the realization of a female figure or, even, la expresión del simbolismo de una relación de amor.

Sin embargo, in another case, the concept of partnership has been expressed in the sense of friendship or playmate, como en el trabajo de Adrián Echevarría, que se ha inventado a ‘Drod’, Andi friend and companion in adventure.

Andy (Android) y su novia (III) [ School ][ Blender ]


The work of my students on the creation of a couple of characters, in this case for Andy (mascota of Android) in their fifth birthday, son enfocados bajo prismas muy diferentes.

Hemos visto la forma de evolucionar sus rasgos o curvas para feminizar la figura, centrando el desarrollo en lo concreto o incluso el escenario.
Otro enfoque muy diferente lo encontramos en el trabajo de Nikolay Dragoev, que se ha centrado en el significado de la escena más que en los materiales o el diseño de la pareja. Una decisión personal de gran carga artística.

Andy (Android) y su novia (II) [ School ][ Blender ]


The work of my students on the creation of a couple of characters, in this case for Andy (mascota of Android) in their fifth birthday, we provide expressive resources of great interest.

The pursuit of feminine traits in a change aspects like character tabs, and also, as is the case at present Vicente Gil de Sola, body curves.

Andy (Android) y su novia (I) [ School ][ Blender ]

Novia de Andy

En los cursos de animación por ordenador con Blender trabajamos algunos conceptos artísticos mientras desarrollamos los técnicos de edición y producción de imagen de síntesis.

Las parejas de personajes dan juego a la hora de modelizar personajes de forma amena y divertida.

Los motivos elegidos como trabajo suelen asociarse a aspectos cotidianos o sucesos de interés que inspiran las propuestas.

Fabrice O. Joubert “French Roast” (2008) [ Animation ]

French Roast

Fabrice O. Joubert (Francia) created this award-winning animated 2008. A French cafe serves as a single stage, with four main characters, to get us a smile.

A businessman who has lost his portfolio is facing the difficult situation of being unable to pay the bill, or seek funding in an ugly way …

Perfect [ Animation ]


Perfeito is a short 3D animation created and directed by Mauricio Bartok 2009 (Brazil).

A minimalist stage with a surreal twist serve to narrate a scene that exudes sensitivity in desperate pursuit of perfection.

A short that has an impact which sees, movement with plasticity and stiffness of the stage.