Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

My world is in..

Categorías Personajes

Learn to draw with Andrew Loomis

There are many manuals drawing with different methods to initiate us refine our technique and representation. One of the first thing I remember are the booklets drawing painter Joan Miró Ferrer.

William Andrew Loomis was an illustrator of the first half of the twentieth century, in addition to his graphic work, He left a series of books to learn to draw. The practical approach of these manuals along with the gradual difficulty of the exercises are two characteristics that make them especially useful for beginners in the drawing with pencil.

in memoriam: Forges

Forges has left us.

His characters reminding us continue our history with this great surrealistic tone.

Since this blog, our appreciation to the artist, to the subtleties of his particular vision of this country.

Hasta siempre teacher, we will always that nose of your characters as a graphic feature.

In memoriam : Nelson Mandela

Who was the first black president of South Africa who fought much of his life against the racist regime of apartheid, has left us with 95 age.

Today we honor the man who dedicated his whole life to the struggle, peaceful, against the injustice suffered a town dominated by a minority and subjected to all kinds of humiliation and low caste.
Today we salute the humanist who simply knew reconcile both peoples in one bound, no hard feelings but without losing the memory of its recent history. One of the most important processes of peace we've seen in our modern world. A great example.

History of animation: Cartoon Masks [II]

Television commercials, input masks programs, sequences generally of short duration, can convey a message very compact thanks to a careful visual design process, in which communication resources are exploited in a special way.

The input masks cartoons have been our teachers in the learning process of audiovisual

Human movement in animation : BioMotionLab

One of the most difficult moves to get into an animation, with sufficient realism, is that of a person walking.
There are different groups investigating on how to interact with the world of human beings, analyzing how is the sensory information processing, perception, cognition and communication.

Andy (Android) y su novia (II) [ School ][ Blender ]


The work of my students on the creation of a couple of characters, in this case for Andy (mascota of Android) in their fifth birthday, we provide expressive resources of great interest.

The pursuit of feminine traits in a change aspects like character tabs, and also, as is the case at present Vicente Gil de Sola, body curves.

In Memoriam: Neil Armstrong


The 20 July 1969, aboard the Apollo Lunar Module 11, a man on the moon for the first time. Astronaut Neil Armstrong was the historical reference of a generation that has lived the beginning of the conquest of space.

Neil Armstrong falleció ayer con 82 age, I do not ohio (USA). He could not overcome the complications of surgery where he underwent a bypass.

Simon Pierro and the magic of iPad

Simon Pierro

Simon Pierro represents a new generation of artists “performance”. It is famous for its innovative way to show the illusion in television and multimedia projects using new technologies, in particular an iPad. It has numerous prestigious awards, including in 2.002 Magician of the Year, in 2003 Vice World Champion of Magic… (leer más)

The Technical and Glamour: Ignacio Vargas ( Next Limit Technologies)

Ignacio Vargas

En Octubre de 2009 escribí este artículo sobre Ignacio Vargas (Next Limit Technologies) en mi primer blog. Me he acordado al ver otro de sus impresionantes trabajos.

Hoy rescato esta entrada, en homenaje a esas personas que hacen avanzar la técnica y que, both, tienen un perfil humano del que todos tenemos que aprender.