Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

My world is in..

Video categories

Chinese Character Animation


The pictograms and ideograms to define a simple drawing with a complete concept or word. Asian cultures use in their ancient languages. Some time ago I started in their study through a book that I have recommended: “Manual writing of Chinese characters“. Hoy os presento un interesante vídeo que recrea mediante pequeñas… (leer más)

Circuit [Animation]


Circuit is a small animated short with synthetic image in which two characters cyber (robots) have a fun showdown. The video is a good example of so-called “Particle Systems” and the application of techniques “multifísica” for automatic generation of moving objects. With these systems, objects… (leer más)

Fly [Animation]

A new installment of animations made with synthetic image used to illustrate the techniques required in these productions. The interest here lies in the possibility of group work that can be retrofitted to build a short; una interesante idea para proponer como trabajo de fin de curso en… (leer más)

Sweet & Sour


Otro ejemplo de animación por ordenador de los que utilizo en la asignatura de libre elección que imparto a mis alumnos, que nos sirve para discutir sobre aspectos de la iluminación de escenarios. Un corto de animación de 15 minutos de duración que mezcla imagen 3D de síntesis con animación plana y shaders “cartoon” consiguiendo… (leer más)

Percepción: Test the dancer [School]

I rescue a new work of my students in educational innovation projects involving training with their blogs. In this case, the group “Geometry Hicks” nos aporta un interesante enlace sobre aspectos de la percepción basados en las leyes de la Gestalt, called “Spinning Girl” or “Test the dancer”, con una ilusión óptica.

Music in Motion: The BoogieBunny!

The music used in animated shorts should help compose the atmosphere; participates actively and synchronously with the image; can replace dialogs. About the "story board" can add annotations with sounds and musical ideas band, forming a broad outline of preliminary project idea. A simple animation, con una buena base… (leer más)

One Rat Short [animation]

A new video which I use as examples in art classes “Animation for ordenador” with my engineering students.

En este caso es una obra de amor creada por Charlex Films que transcurre en dos escenarios, cold one, dirty and dark in opposition to another clean, septic and illuminated.

From Portrait Oval Antonio Frias BSO Sergio Martin

In Octubre, coincidiendo con the semana of Halloween, publiqué in from blog que uso con mis alumnos the asignatura “Animation for ordenador”, un pequeno corto of animation que ahora he rescatado para su dissemination in abierto. Los aspectos técnicos of will ejemplos shaped partly del discurso teaching que if many in las clases, sirviendo… (leer más)

Short animation: Twisted Whiskers

Twisted Whiskers are a series of animations short highlights of personality are a source of "fill" used in many commercial television channels.
Estos cortos de una duración inferior al minuto servían de caretas de cambio de programación, completing the blocks assigned to each time slot.

The List [Animation]


A new example of animation made with Blender, I use in classes “Animation for ordenador” to teach students the most. The narrative sequence is based on a sober setting that focuses on the experiences of the character. A good example of minimalist communication.

History of animation: Cartoon Masks

The visual language has evolved since its birth. An ellipsis (way to indicate that time has passed narrative) is watching a clock built using a cast time changed (showing the time interval) or by a calendar sheets ... ; the same visual message is currently done in different ways, much more… (leer más)