Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

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Categories Technology

What is Morphing ?

Classically known “Morphing” to a technique of digital image manipulation that allows a controlled transition animation-- two different images. The transformation required for its calculation is done in the so-called “space ratio”. A generalization of the concept of morphing in the “Object Space” es la transformación de un… (leer más)

3D Animation, Shading: Material Properties [Blogs experimental] [Blender]

Continue advancing basic concepts as applied. The appearance of the object is created from a few values ​​that describe a model that has been growing in complexity as tools have been developed increasingly comprehensive. El color del objeto es una propiedad que puede referirse a diferentes… (leer más)

3D Animation, Files: Save the scene [Blogs experimental] [Blender]

When we spent several hours preparing a model usually stored in files with the same backup in case the program “hangs” leaving for work or just to continue the work later and archive different versions. Todos hemos perdido datos en algún momento y nos ha tocado repetir el trabajo con la sobrecarga que eso… (leer más)

3D Animation, Shading: Edit or Add a Material [Blogs experimental] [Blender]

La textura más simple que se puede utilizar en un objeto es una imagen sobre su superficie, sustituyendo el color liso del objeto por los correspondientes de la imagen utilizada. To add an image to the surface of an object you will have to enter the mode of editing of materials and add textures, para ello tendremos… (leer más)

Parametric Design Synthesis image: Helicoids

A helix is ​​a surface generated by moving a straight line with two movements: A rotation around an axis or core, and a translation in the direction of said shaft. You can generate complex animations from repetition and simple processing elements. El helicoide es de aplicación en estructuras arquitectónicas y… (leer más)

3D Architectural Animation

Simulación de los procesos de construcción de obras de ingeniería civil. Animation clip of hospital construction. Location Hong Kong 3D architectural animation, visualization studio, architectural animation renderings, interior design, video graphics 3D Hospital Construction Animation – NKIAP Production (2005) 3D architectural animation, visualization studio, architectural animation renderings, interior design, video graphics 3D Exterior & Interior… (leer más)

3D Animation, The House: Move, Rotate and Follow [Blogs experimental] [ Blender ]

Object “camera” identifies the chosen viewpoint for generating images of our scene. By turning the camera we have seen that when you select the camera (for this we select the icon that represents it with the right mouse button) axes appear to us (RGB) that allow us to change their position (by dragging the… (leer más)

3D Animation, The House [ Blogs experimental ] [ Blender ]

Hemos visto que se pueden configurar las ventanas y asociarles diferentes vistas de la escena. En este artículo iniciamos el estudio de “Camera”, que determina el punto de vista utilizado para obtener las imágenes finales. Vistas Cada ventana 3D dispone de un menú “View” en el que se selecciona el tipo de vista que tiene… (leer más)

3D Animation, Crear y Ventanas asignar Views [ Blogs experimental ] [ Blender ]

We know how to basically set the windows system. Our goal in this new delivery of training materials for learning 3D animation tool Blender, is to differentiate between different types of views available and their relationship or of the differentiation “camera”. Vistas de las perspectivas Estamos trabajando en un sistema… (leer más)

Filiform Hair and Forms: Real-time programming

The scheduling of applications that allow animations or simulations run in real time faces in most cases to complex problems that treat a large number of data; cuanto mayor realismo se pretenda obtener, mayor “coste computacional” será necesario. El desarrollo de nuevas técnicas de programación es un área de… (leer más)