Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

My world is in..

Camera and Layers

This page displays links to pages posted on the blog that deal with the subject Soble “camera” used to define the point of view necessary to generate a computer animation, its definition, parameters and techniques to use with the software Blender.

Camera and Layers

La Cámara

The House

La Cámara: Mover, Rotar y Seguir

The House: Move, Rotate and Follow

Layers: Organización en Capas

Layers: Layered Organization

Parámetros de la Cámara : Lens

Parámetros de la Cámara : Lens

Profundidad de campo

Profundidad de campo

Anamorphic Bokeh en Cycles

Anamorphic Bokeh en Cycles
