Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

My world is in..

Categories Painting

bulerías [Oil]

bulerías, such as Jerez, It is a picture that represents the hubbub, the friends, party and flamenco.

This painting was born at a meeting of friends in my yard, outdoor light summer colors. gestation, from the softest strokes, It has not been subjected to the extent. A guitar, wines and art of the group were the instigators of this stain that gradually took shape.

Painting with Pastels: Jesus Maria Casati: La hilandera de Velazquez

The work that I present today has been done in pastel by Mary Jesus Casati Calzada, using as a reason a partial area of ​​the work of Velazquez “Las hilanderas”. The right woman wears white blouse that can be considered "a clear transposition '1 of one of the figures of the Vault of the Sistine Chapel.

Guernica en color. Una interpretación de Jesús Alonso Arroyo

Una de las obras más importantes de Pablo Picaso es “El Guernica”, que ilustra de una forma abstracta el bombardeo de la ciudad Vasca de igual nombre.
Esta singular obra ha servido de inspiración al pintor Jesús Alonso Arroyo para la elaboración de una versión en color.

Painting with Pastels: Jesus Maria Casati: El abuelo

Hemos visto diferentes obras realizadas en pastel por María Jesús Casati Calzada, en las que la interpretación realista de sus composiciones destacaba como elemento aglutinador.
El abuelo es una de esas obras en las que un paisaje de fondo desdibujado nos hacen apreciar la delicadeza de los trazos que concretan al personaje; El abuelo que, sin prisas, descansa en el parque compartiendo su relajada vida.

Un cuadro en el que el peso vertical de la figura descansa en el banco horizontal permitiéndonos recrearnos con el fondo inacabado que completamos con nuestra imaginación.

Painting with Pastels: Jesus Maria Casati: Albaricoques

Otro decoramos el blog con otro brillante bodegón de Maria Jesús Casati Calzada, qualified “Albaricoques” que añadimos a su galería de trabajos en pastel.

Una composición realista en la línea de trabajos que ya conocemos y hemos expuesto con anterioridad, as “Pitcher and Pears” or “Autumn fruit”.
Una interesante pieza de su obra en la que destaca la intensidad de sus colores en un natural equilibrio que transmite reposo.

Vase [ Oil ]

A simple exercise to conduct impressionist color, in a still life floral ocher and blue.

A small format box wearing a small space on a table, fusing the corporeal with the imaginary.

A spot of color bounded by lines that structure their content, on two levels with different depths.

Neighborhood [ Oil ]

“Neighborhood” is a diptych that connects the light and colors of dawn to sunset, when the first bulbs look out the windows of our neighborhoods.

An oil painting of child accent reminiscent of our first attempts to shape the environment on paper.

Homer [Oil]

The motivating look a dog in the countryside is the inspiration for one of nis favorite oils.

Homer is left to paint while watching closely the movements of the impressionist brush in this work that has earned a space on my wall (few of my paintings come to this end resolvent)

Pastel colors that reflect his goodness, with a background that contrasts intensified its silhouette, all with thick strokes that make her locks in a table by the tight impulsive pose.

City [Oil]


In one corner I have this oil painting, inspired by a modern city under construction, of bright colors red and blue showing a fantastic image evolving.

Building straight losing its status to the delight of architects and site visitors.

Cranes dominate the skies weaving steel structures, standing out among elderly dwarfs buildings that seem.

Art and Geometry [ School ] [ Blogs experimental ]


The group “Geometry Hicks” gave us an article which mixes art, bases architecture and geometry prospects.

A clear example in which add the beauty of these disciplines that go hand in hand in most cases, providing the most enriching of each.

The question that would be no geometry art, but also if it is not geoemetría an art in itself.


In the collective painting exhibition held in Madrid I saw a drawing made with cake, qualified “Hats (Interpretation C. Brave)” and performed by Inés Torres; a picture of great beauty that you can see in the exhibition catalog .