Video Animation
On this page is a collection of videos on animation published in any of the blog articles.
The vast majority are works of 3D image synthesis, added although studies on the history of the principles from the first animation cartoons.
A careful selection to enjoy this magical world.
 The first animated films : Humorous Phase of Funny Faces. |
 Cartoon Masks |
 Simplicity in animations: The Owl |
 Larva |
 If All Animals Were Fat |
 La Bruxa |
 The-list |
 Portrait-oval |
 En Passant : A musical made with Blender |
 Changes |
 One Rat Short |
 Hand of nefertiti |
 The parable of the mantis |
 Sweet & Sour |
 Fly |
 Twisted Whiskers |
 Circuit |
 The plumber |
 Knick Knack |
 Elephants Dream |
 The Lady and the Reaper |
 Pescando con Sam |
 Oxygen |
 A Gentlemen’s Duel |
 Kajimba |
 Los residuos nucleares de Mr Hoppe |
 Hold the Line |
 It is better to travel in groups |
 Prime time |
 Alarm |
 Big Catch |
 Invention of Love |
 Gopher broke |
 Pigeon: Impossible |
 El cerdito Ormie |
 PIXAR and jumping lamp, Luxo Jr |
 Cat’s Meow |
 Perfect |
 French Roast |
 Low Poly Rocks |
 Kara Quantic Dream |
 Lifted – Pixar |
 Cronopios and Famas |
 11 Paper Place |
 Pixels Vs Voxels |
 Cosmos Laundromat |
 Caminandes |
 Caminandes: Gran Dillama |
 Caminandes 3: Llamigos |
 Salvador Dali and Walt Disney - Destination |
 Thought of you : Ryan Woodward |
 A Boy and His Kite |
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