Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

My world is in..


The space has its own place on this page that gathers the most prominent items of Astronautics.

Erupción solar

Erupción solar

tour of the International Space Station

Tour of the International Space Station

NASA Initiative to recover asteroids

NASA Initiative to recover asteroids

AstroRobonaut, R2, comienza a responder preguntas en Twitter

AstroRobonaut, R2, begins to answer questions on Twitter

Eyes on the Solar System : Visor de misiones de la NASA

Eyes on the Solar System : Visor de misiones de la NASA

Kerbala Space Program [ KSP ]

Kerbala Space Program [ KSP ]

SDO : Solar Dynamics Observatory

SDO : Solar Dynamics Observatory

All Alone in the Night

All Alone in the Night

Scale of the Universe (interactive)

Scale of the Universe (interactive)

Rocket [ #Animated GIF ]

Rocket [ #Animated GIF ]

Space Images [Students work]

Space Images [Students work]

What if the moon was a disco ball?

What if the moon was a disco ball?

3, 2, 1 …

3, 2, 1 …

Saturn V

Saturn V