Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

My world is in..

Categorías DemoReel

Cycles Demoreel 2015

Cycles is one of the engines of render boasts the Blender animation suite. It is based on models of raytracing supporting an interactive render added that a management system using graphical nodes and acceleration using GPU.
Do you want to see what can be done with this rendering engine?

Bunny [ Wallpaper ]

We have spoken of the “Stanford 3D Scanning Repository” in another of the blog entries. The Stanford repository brings 3D models composed of surfaces (models of borders) use in the comparison of results of modern representation techniques. One of the favorite models can be downloaded in different resolutions (number of polygons) this is… (leer más)

Quick Smoke : Humo y fuego con Blender y Cycles

La generación de humo y fuego con Blender es cada vez más sencillo. Since version 2.72 se automatiza la generación de nodos para simular el material necesario para recrear este efecto con resultados muy realistas.

Para automatizar la creación de fuego y humo utilizaremos la función “Quick Smoke”. Seleccionaremos el objeto que debe convertirse en fuego, o generar el humo, y pulsaremos la barra espaciadora “Space” para obtener un conjunto de opciones. Escribiremos “Quick Smoke” total o parcialmente en la ventana desplegada, hasta seleccionar la función.

Anamorphic Bokeh en Cycles (efecto desenfoque) [ Blender ]

Una de las mejoras más interesantes que he encontrado en la nueva versión de Blender, 2.72, es la posibilidad de desenfocar los objetos que se encuentran fuera del plano principal de enfoque.
Este efecto se podía realizar anteriormente con el motor básico de Blender al alterar la profundidad de campo, con el efecto Blur añadido mediante un nodo de postproceso, y ahora se incorpora al motor Cycles que tan buenos resultados da en imágenes hiperrealistas.

Volume Shaders : Volume absorption [ Blender ][ Cycles ]

Cycles includes nodes that model the passage of light through the objects interacting with them. One of these models is called shader calculation “Volume absortion”, it is especially suitable for working with transparent objects (used in combination with the shader “Glass” inter alia) o simular humo y nubes.

Volume absorption [ Blender ][ Wallpaper ]

Incorporates Blender Cycles render volumetric imaging allowing increasingly realistic. Although the shader is in constant development, the degree of maturity that has largely simulates the behavior of light in different areas.
Next to simulate techniques such as participating media Scattering, the absorption of light along the volume of the scene allows us to play with its attenuation with distance from the emission source. A new node with which continue to experience in our classes.

Organic Sculpture [ image ][ Blender ]

A modeling exercise and composition done in Blender and rendered with the Cycles Engine.
The object has been created from a primitive ring with modified successive extrusions, to which you have applied a feature refinement by subdivision.

The resulting object has doubled several times to form the resulting composition.

Emission RGB [ Wallpaper ] [ Blender ]

Nueva imagen to be used as fondo de escritorio ( Wallpaper) with minimalist geometric patterns, that has been generated in Blender with Cycles render engine. Diffuse materials have been used (Difusse) for different surfaces, and other emissive character for RGB color areas.

A geometric composition with basic colors can observe the behavior of light when mixed (aditivamente) on the surfaces of the scene


An image generated in Blender with Cycles render engine, the predominant material “Glossy SDF” can play highly reflective surfaces.
A geometric composition with basic colors can observe the behavior of light when mixed (aditivamente) on the surfaces of the scene.